CODES: mh: Mental health ah: Accommodation/housing advice ad: Advocacy a: Alcohol workers ac: Art classes b: Barber ba: Benefits advice bs: Bathroom/showers be: Bedding ca: Careers advice cl: Clothing store c: Counselling da: Debt advice dt: Dentist dw: Drugs workers et: Education/training ff: Food (free) f: Food fc: Foot care it: Internet access lf: Leisure facilities ls: Luggage storage ms: Medical/health md: Music/drama ne: Needle exchange ol: Outreach worker links ow: Outreach workers sh: Sexual health ts: Tenancy support la: Legal advice l: Laundry ef: Ex-forces eo: Ex-offenders sf: Step-free

St Mungo's (was Broadway Day Centre)

13 Market Lane W12 8EZ
020 8735 5810,
Monday: 10am-12pm (nurse & podiatry services); Wednesday & Friday: 10:30am-12pm (rough sleeper service); Wednesday: 10am-12pm (optician and once a month Hep C clinic); Thursday: 10am-12pm (nurse); Friday: 10am-12pm (acupuncture); The service has changed. Health services are available on a drop-in basis, as is access to the local outreach team. The recovery college offers courses such as music, art, IT, chi gung, script writing and Hearing Voices. Please call 020 8735 5833 for information on the prospectus. CODES: MH, AC, CL, ET, FC, MS, MD, OW

The Vision Organisation UK

St Silas Community Hall, Penton Street N1 9UL
Wednesday: 7pm-8pm (Lincoln's Inn Fields: food, drink, personal hygiene goods and offering help); Thursday: 7pm-9pm (drop-in: 3-course meal, clothes, books); CODES: B, CA, CL, FF

© Copyright 2014 the Pavement, Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656 Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760 ISSN (online) 1757-0484