CODES: mh: Mental health ah: Accommodation/housing advice ad: Advocacy a: Alcohol workers ac: Art classes b: Barber ba: Benefits advice bs: Bathroom/showers be: Bedding ca: Careers advice cl: Clothing store c: Counselling da: Debt advice dt: Dentist dw: Drugs workers et: Education/training ff: Food (free) f: Food fc: Foot care it: Internet access lf: Leisure facilities ls: Luggage storage ms: Medical/health md: Music/drama ne: Needle exchange ol: Outreach worker links ow: Outreach workers sh: Sexual health ts: Tenancy support la: Legal advice l: Laundry ef: Ex-forces eo: Ex-offenders sf: Step-free

AKT (London and nationwide)

020 7831 6562,
Monday-Friday: 10am-4:30pm; Get housing advice by emailing Mon–Fri: 10am–4:30pm Supports LGBT 16–25-year-olds who are homeless or living in a hostile or violent environment because they have come out to their parents or caregiver. Since Covid-19 supports young people online. Staff can also still be contacted as normal. If you have any general enquiries email: We have offices in London, Manchester, Bristol and Newcastle which are staffed from 10am - 4:30pm Mon-Fri. CODES: MH, SH, C, LA, AH

Albert Kennedy Trust (London)

Unit 203, Hatton Square Business Centre, 16/16a Baldwins Gardens EC1N 7RJ
020 7831 6562,
Monday-Friday: 10am-4:30pm; Supports LGBT 16-25-year-olds who are homeless or living in a hostile or violent environment because they have come out as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans to their parents or care giver. CODES: AH, AD, BA, DA, ET, TS

Hackney Recovery Service

110 Mare Street E8 3SG
0300 303 2611,
Monday-Friday: 10am-4pm (assessment sessions at 110 Mare Street); Service for people with problems with drugs. Drop-in, prescribing, community detox, BBV clinics, group work, key working. Self-refer of get your key worker to help you. Out-of-hours, please phone 0808 168 8669. CODES: ET, CA, AH, BA, C, DW, NE

Stonewall Housing

8 Coppergate House, 10 White’s Row E1 7NF
020 7359 5767 (advice),
Monday-Friday: 10am-1pm (advice line 020 7359 5767); Specialist LGBT housing advice and support for people in their own homes or supported housing for young people. Free, confidential housing advice for LGBT people of all ages. Since Covid-19 advice line Mon-Fri 10am-1pm: Option 1 advice. Option 2 advocacy. Option 3 supported housing. CODES: AH, AD, LA

The Passage

St Vincent's Centre, Carlisle Place SW1P 1NL
020 7592 1850,
Monday-Friday: 9am-3:30pm (for rough sleepers); Monday-Friday: 12pm-2pm (lunch); Monday-Friday: 2pm-6pm (appointments); Monday-Friday: 4:30pm-6pm (verified rough sleepers); Saturday & Sunday: 9am-12pm; Opening hours: Monday – Friday 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Closed between 12 and 1pm for essential cleaning. For people aged 25+. CODES: MH, AH, A, BA, CA, CL, DW, ET, F, FC, IT, MS, TS

© Copyright 2014 the Pavement, Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656 Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760 ISSN (online) 1757-0484