Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

February – March 2025 : Time READ ONLINE


If you are a journalist with some free time to research and write stories for the magazine, please contact us .

The web site is coded by hand at Flat Earth Industries
Ollie the twitterrific bird appears courtesy of


This film about the Pavement was made in 2009 by our founding editor, Richard Burdett. We’ve now created more than 200 issues of the Pavement, and have had several editors (current editor is Jake Cudsi). We also have a completely different distribution system so that our bimonthly mags are most read in London, Edinburgh and Glasgow.



“I think the Pavement is brilliant. To people that don’t know it, I’d describe it as like a mix of Private Eye and the Yellow Pages for homeless people. It’s certainly something that I relied on many times. ”

“I remember the last time I was homeless, I went to a Day Centre and said it’d been a while since I’d slept rough in the city and needed some information about soup runs. They gave me a copy of the Pavement and that sorted me out.”

“I knew where I could go to get food, where I could find day centres and get the help I needed. With a copy of the Pavement in your hand, you can survive.”

“Homeless people need the Pavement. It gives us a voice and we don’t have a voice. You don’t hear these stories in the mainstream media. They tell you about Katie Price’s wedding but not about the homeless guy who was stabbed in Blackfriars last night. That’s what the Pavement is for.”

Christopher Ubsdell, Former rough sleeper


The Pavement is committed to publishing independent advice as well as hard-hitting and entertaining reportage, tailored to a homeless readership within the UK via our regional magazines and UK-wide website. We aim to provide and publicise appropriate information that is objective, timely and relevant on a range of advisory and practical services available to homeless people, as well as news on the issues impacting the homeless and dispossessed from across the UK. Our ultimate goal is to help reduce short-term hardship amongst our readers and longer term to provide them with information to enable them to guide their own futures.

The Pavement exists because there was nothing like it, but it fulfils a need.

The Pavement is a small charity, founded in the spring of 2005. We distribute The Pavement in London, Scotland, and we plan to launch in other regions. In London alone, we deliver 8,500+ copies of the Pavement to over 70 hostels, day centres, homeless surgeries, soup-runs and libraries. By using volunteer journalists and homelessness sector professionals, as well as work from the country’s best cartoonists (many of them Private Eye contributors), we’ve achieved a balance of news, features, humour and service listings unlike other publications.

Our journalists cover the news from the streets or news affecting the streets, and we often deal with topics ignored by the mainstream press. Alongside this, other professionals provide features on health, foot care, legal advice and life in hostels, with the back pages given over to The List, a regularly updated directory of homeless services.

As always, we welcome comment, so do contact


If you are a member of the press and you'd like to speak to us, please contact Jake Cudsi (editor, or Val Stevenson (chair of trustees, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.