Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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current issue

February – March 2025 : Time READ ONLINE


Your rights

The Rights Guide for Rough Sleepers outlines your rights around arrest, stop and search, answering police questions, move-ons, no-drinking zones, sleeping rough, taking a pee in public and highway obstruction. It was put together by the Pavement, Housing Justice, Liberty and Zacchaeus 2000.

If your benefits have been sanctioned (cut off or reduced) and you feel this is unfair, you can appeal. Print this letter and hand it in at the office where you sign on. If you feel you need more advice about sanctions, contact   Zacchaeus 2000 or your nearest Citizen’s Advice Bureau. And let us know at the Pavement!


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Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter

Phone: 07930 378263

25 November to 20 March
Monday-Sunday: 7:30pm-8:30am

Referral via St Mungo's outreach team, Streetlink (0300 500 0914), Acton Homeless Concern (020 8992 5768) or Ealing Soup Kitchen (020 8566 3507 x7). Ealing Foodbank (020 8840 9428). 14 bed spaces. No self-referral. We are a Night Shelter running through the winter months to provide a warm, safe place for people who find themselves homeless.

Accommodation/housing advice, Benefits advice, Outreach worker links, Food (free), Debt advice, Bedding, Laundry, Bathroom/showers

Ealing Soup Kitchen

St John's Church Hall, Mattock Lane

W13 9LA

Phone: 0208 840 0651

Saturday & Sunday: 3:30pm-5pm (St John's Ch Room, Mattock Lane, W13 9LA)
Friday: 11am-4pm (drop-in, The Crypt, St John's W13 9LA
Monday: 7pm-9pm (drop-in, Salvation Army, 6 Leeland Rd, W13 9HH)

They also give practical help/housing advice. AA meetings.

Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Food (free)

Eat or Heat

1A Jewel Road, Walthamstow

E17 4QU

Phone: 0800 772 0212

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:30pm-7:30pm

Free food via professional referral only: Emergency free food aid to those identified by public services/agencies as being in need because of financial hardship.

Food (free)

Emmanuel Church (Stratford)

Romford Rd/Upton Lane

E7 8BD

Phone: 020 8522 1900

Thursday: 8am-10am

Cooked breakfast.

Food (free)

Emmanuel Pentecostal Church

374 Lee High Road

SE12 8RS

Phone: 020 8852 8261

Tuesday: 6pm-7:30pm (Life Bread)

Free hot meal, and clothing when available.

Clothing store, Food (free)

Farm Street Church

114 Mount Street


Phone: 020 7493 7811

Monday: 8pm-10:30pm

Oxford St route: Davies St, Bourdon St, S Molton St, Oxford St (S Moulton St to Oxford Circus), top end of Regent St to Hanover St, Hanover Sq, New Bond St Berkeley Sq route: Berkeley Sq; Berkeley St; Green Park tube; Piccadilly. Hyde Park Corner route: Mount St; Park Lane underpasses (Park La and Hyde Pk Corner); Shepherds Mkt; Curzon St.

Food (free)


Friday: 8:45pm-11pm (Strand, near Ryman’s)
Friday: 9:15pm-10:30pm (Waterloo, near IMAX)

Help for people of all faiths and none, and a sympathetic ear.

Food (free)

Firm Foundation Winter Night Shelter (All People All Places)

30 December to 31 March
Monday-Sunday: 9pm-6:30am (initially men-only; after 1 January, mixed.)

18+, 20 spaces (15 men, 5 women in a separate building) Agency referrals only. Rough sleepers, NRPF and asylum seekers. Priority to those with connection to Harrow.

Food (free), Accommodation/housing advice

Flowing Rivers Foundation

37 Elizabeth Road, Brentwood, Dagenham, Essex

CM15 9PA

Phone: 07985585996

Tuesday: 7pm-10pm (fellowship – Castle Green, Dagenham)
Sunday: 6:30pm-9:30pm (2nd & 3rd week of month – Lincoln’s Inn Fields)

Charitable organisation dedicated to reaching out to marginalised members of society. Founded upon Christian ethos, they aspire to address the social conditions of people in their vicinity by showing practical love.

Clothing store, Food (free)

Forest Churches Emergency Night Shelter

Phone: 07739 870411

01 November to 31 March
Monday-Sunday: 8pm-7:30am

18+; mixed; dry; 30 spaces. Separate area for women. 18+ with a Waltham Forest connection. Self referrals call 07739 870 411 before 3.00pm Mon-Fri or visit either St Mungo’s Hub or Waltham Forest Housing Services for referral. Ring Shelter Coordinator on 07739 870 411 before 3.00pm Monday-Friday.

Accommodation/housing advice, Bathroom/showers, Food (free)

Glass Door Homeless Charity

155a Kings Road, Chelsea


Phone: 020 7351 4948

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9am-2pm (Chelsea Methodist Church)
Winter shelter
04 November to 05 April
Monday-Sunday: 8pm-7am (please come to the day centre or phone to see if there are vacancies)
Wednesday & Friday: 9am-2pm (St Augustine's Church)
Monday-Friday: 12pm-3pm (Ace of Clubs)
Monday-Thursday: 9am-11am (Vineyard Community Centre)
Tuesday: 12:30pm-3pm (The Yard, Putney)

Glass Door runs London’s largest emergency winter night shelter, providing men and women a safe, warm place to sleepfrom November to April. Individuals affected by homelessness also access advice, food, showers and laundry facilities year-round from drop-in day centres that work in partnership with the charity.

Accommodation/housing advice, Bathroom/showers, Careers advice, Clothing store, Education/training, Food (free), Internet access, Tenancy support, Advocacy, Benefits advice

Good Samaria Network

12 Voyagers Close

SE28 8QQ

Phone: 0203 651 0869

Sunday: 6pm-7pm (Lincoln's Inn Fields)

Food (free)

Greenwich Migrant Hub

Woolwich Common Community Centre, Leslie Smith Square

SE18 4DW

Phone: 07429031389

Tuesday: 10:30am-1:30pm

Drop-in centre for free immigration, housing & domestic violence advice, and a hot meal to migrants in Greenwich and neighbouring boroughs.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Benefits advice, Food (free), Legal advice, Step-free

Greenwich Winter Night Shelter

Phone: 07985 496905

03 January to 29 March
Monday-Sunday: 7pm-8:30am

Referral by agreed partner agencies must be confirmed by GWNS project worker. 18+, mixed, 15 places.

Food (free)

Hackney Winter Night Shelter

Phone: 020 853 3808, 020 3729 8864

Winter shelter (dates TBC):
01 November to 30 March
Monday-Sunday: 7:30pm-8am (6.30pm Sundays. Closed during Crisis)

Mixed; beds for 25 (screened area for women); dry. Last admission 8.30pm. Agency referrals only - phone to check details and leave message if voicemail. 15 bed spaces until 23 Dec 2017, 25 until 31 March 2018.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Counselling, Food (free), Outreach worker links, Outreach workers

Hare Krishna Food for All

102 Caledonian Road

N1 9DN

Phone: 07946 420 827

Monday-Saturday: 12pm-3pm (12.00: Islip St, Kentish Tn; 13.00: Arlington Rd/Inverness St, Camden; 14.25: (York Way, King's Cross)
Monday-Friday: 12:15pm-2:30pm (LSE and SOAS)
Monday-Thursday: 7:30pm-8:30pm (Lincoln’s Inn Fields)

Delicious food made with pure vegetarian ingredients.

Education/training, Food (free), Internet access, Leisure facilities

Hare Krishna Food for All (Caversham road)

Caversham Road


Monday-Saturday: 12pm-1pm - Free vegetarian meal

Free vegetarian meal

Food (free), Food

Harvest of Grace Trinity Centre

John Morris House Community Centre, 164 St John?s Hill, Battersea

SW11 1SW

Phone: 07904302139

Saturday: 10am-4pm (breakfast and lunch club)

Sandwiches, snacks and drinks.

Food (free)

Havering Islamic Centre

91 Waterloo Road, Romford, Essex


Phone: 01708 741 333

Wednesday: 6:30pm-7:30pm (hot meals and drinks)

Non-denominational centre that works with local churches to cater for the social and cultural needs of Havering residents.

Food (free)

Holy Nation Church

PO Box 4215, Victoria


Phone: 020 7630 7987

Friday: 9pm-11pm (Waterloo station)

A warm, caring, multicultural church, in the heart of London.

Food (free)

Holy Trinity Brompton

Queen's Gate (St Augustine's)


Phone: 020 7590 8248

Wednesday: 9am-12pm

Wed only: 9am–12:00pm. Glass Door casework support, Crosslight debt advice, computers/printers, clothing repairs and pastoral support. Appointment only - book on arrival. Breakfast & clothing available to those with an appointment with one of these services.

Mental health, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Food (free), Food, Internet access, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers, Clothing store

Hope 4 Barking Night Shelter

Phone: 07527 192161

01 January to 31 December
Monday-Sunday: 7:30pm-8am

Year-round shelter for around 15 single people aged 18+ in the LB of Barking & Dagenham. Self- or agency referrals. Ring or email

Accommodation/housing advice, Food (free), Advocacy, Bathroom/showers

HOPE Worldwide UK – ODAAT

The Chambers, St.Mark’s Church, 337 Kennington Park Road

SE11 4PW

Phone: 02036594809

One Day At A Time (ODAAT) is a quasi-residential men only (18+) rehab. 12 steps, counselling and psychotherapy are employed in a loving community to transform from chaos to constructive living. Services for people on the scheme include one to one counselling, yoga, community meetings, psychotherapy, relapse prevention and life skills, group therapy and aftercare, family contact and recreation.

Benefits advice, Careers advice, Counselling, Debt advice, Dentist, Ex-forces, Ex-offenders, Food, Food (free), Internet access, Laundry, Mental health


83 Margaret street (Marylebone Passage)


Phone: 07719828267

Monday-Friday: 8am-1pm Services: Showers (Booked in advance) also emergency showers. Takeaway Food:

JCT - Joining Communities Together To book an appointment, contact us on: 07719828267 JCT is a registered charity running services for people experiencing and facing homelessness in London and the Midlands. Our vision is to join communities together by bridging the gap between the crisis someone finds themselves in and the journey towards a place to call home. Casework support around housing, benefits, immigration, Health & Wellbeing Ladies group, sit in breakfast, (To be booked in advance). Alternatively, you can meet us during the Chalk Farm Salvation Army meal on Monday & Wednesday evening between 6pm till 8pm to see us and book an appointment.

Food, Bathroom/showers, Benefits advice, Accommodation/housing advice, Medical/health, Mental health, Food (free), Legal advice, Tenancy support

Joel Night Shelter

Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness, St Peter's Church Hall, London Rd, Kingston


Phone: 0208 255 7400

01 February to 14 March
Monday-Sunday: 7pm-9am (night shelter)
Tuesday: 8:30am-9:30am (conflict resolution)
Tuesday: 10am-1pm (art group)
Thursday: 10am-2pm ('cook and eat' programme)
Monday-Friday: 10am-1pm (drop-in advice)

Referrals primarily via Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (020 8255 7400), which is next door. Supports primarily single people with a local connection to Kingston who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or who are experiencing serious problems with private landlords. They help solve housing problems and improve the quality of people's lives.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Art classes, Barber, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Education/training, Food (free), Foot care, Internet access, Laundry, Leisure facilities, Luggage storage, Tenancy support