Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656
Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760
If you would like your service to be included, please download and complete an entry form
Your rights
The Rights Guide for Rough Sleepers outlines your rights around arrest, stop and search, answering police questions, move-ons, no-drinking zones, sleeping rough, taking a pee in public and highway obstruction. It was put together by the Pavement, Housing Justice, Liberty and Zacchaeus 2000.
If your benefits have been sanctioned (cut off or reduced) and you feel this is unfair, you can appeal. Print this letter and hand it in at the office where you sign on. If you feel you need more advice about sanctions, contact Zacchaeus 2000 or your nearest Citizen’s Advice Bureau. And let us know contact@thepavement.org.uk at the Pavement!
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- Homeless Persons Unit
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- Miscellaneous
- Night shelters
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- Winter shelters
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- All facilities
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- ex-offenders
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- outreach workers
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you are viewing "Winter shelters"
Kingston Churches Winter Night Shelter
Monday-Sunday: 8pm-7:30am
18+, mixed, with separate area for women. Self-referral via KCAH's housing advice sessions Mon-Fri 10am-1pm.
Accommodation/housing advice, Food (free)
C4WS Homeless Project Night Shelter
Various churches in Camden
Phone: 020 7278 6267
Monday-Sunday: 7:30pm-8:45am
Rolling winter night shelter. Bed spaces for 16 guests, with separate sleeping areas for men and women. Referrals from Camden agencies with whom C4WS have a Service Level Agreement including London Jesus Centre and the Irish Centre - no self-referral.
Accommodation/housing advice, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Education/training, Food (free), Outreach worker links, Leisure facilities
CARIS Islington Churches Cold Weather Shelter
The Annexe, St Mellitus Church, Tollington Park
N4 3AG
Phone: 020 7281 5200
Free night shelter, food, showers and a safe place to sleep. Phone after completing and emailing a 1-page registration form to info@carisislington.org. 15 guests; 18+, dry. Opens in January; dates and times to be confirmed.
Advocacy, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Food (free), Food, Internet access, Laundry, Outreach worker links
Crash Pad – Youth Shelter
Phone: 020 7700 2498
Islington-based shelter for people 18-23 with low support needs. 12 bed spaces, separate room for females. Shelter has no Wifi, Playstations, Xboxes or telephone. For referral, please phone or email Momodou Mboge - momodou.piliontrust@gmail.com
Advocacy, Accommodation/housing advice, Bathroom/showers, Food (free), Education/training, Art classes, Music/drama, Leisure facilities
Crisis Christmas
66 Commercial Street
E1 6LT
Phone: 0300 636 1967
23 December to 29 December
Monday: 11am-9pm
Tuesday-Sunday: 9am-9pm
Crisis at Christmas provides food, good cheer and great company. Take part in fun and relaxing activities and get one-to-one advice to find your way out of homelessness. Day Centre addresses (23 – 29 December only: North London Day Centre (Westminster Kingsway College, 211 Grays Inn Row, WC1X 8RA), East London Day Centre (The City Academy, Hackney, Homerton Row, E9 6EA), West London Day Centre (Kensington Aldridge Academy, 1 Silchester Road, W10 6EX), South London Centre (City of London Academy, Lynton Road, SE1 5LA), and Croydon Centre (Harris Invictus Academy Croydon, 88 London Road, CR0 2TB).
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Dentist, Education/training, Food (free), Internet access, Outreach worker links, Leisure facilities, Foot care, Mental health, Medical/health, Music/drama, Drugs workers, Legal advice, Food, Alcohol workers, Tenancy support
Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter
Phone: 07930 378263
Monday-Sunday: 7:30pm-8:30am
Referral via St Mungo's outreach team, Streetlink (0300 500 0914), Acton Homeless Concern (020 8992 5768) or Ealing Soup Kitchen (020 8566 3507 x7). Ealing Foodbank (020 8840 9428). 14 bed spaces. No self-referral. We are a Night Shelter running through the winter months to provide a warm, safe place for people who find themselves homeless.
Accommodation/housing advice, Benefits advice, Outreach worker links, Food (free), Debt advice, Bedding, Laundry, Bathroom/showers
Firm Foundation Winter Night Shelter (All People All Places)
Monday-Sunday: 9pm-6:30am (initially men-only; after 1 January, mixed.)
18+, 20 spaces (15 men, 5 women in a separate building) Agency referrals only. Rough sleepers, NRPF and asylum seekers. Priority to those with connection to Harrow. fdp@firmfoundation.org.uk
Food (free), Accommodation/housing advice
Forest Churches Emergency Night Shelter
Phone: 07739 870411
Monday-Sunday: 8pm-7:30am
18+; mixed; dry; 30 spaces. Separate area for women. 18+ with a Waltham Forest connection. Self referrals call 07739 870 411 before 3.00pm Mon-Fri or visit either St Mungo’s Hub or Waltham Forest Housing Services for referral. Ring Shelter Coordinator on 07739 870 411 before 3.00pm Monday-Friday.
Accommodation/housing advice, Bathroom/showers, Food (free)
Glass Door Homeless Charity
155a Kings Road, Chelsea
Phone: 020 7351 4948
Winter shelter
04 November to 05 April
Monday-Sunday: 8pm-7am (please come to the day centre or phone to see if there are vacancies)
Wednesday & Friday: 9am-2pm (St Augustine's Church)
Monday-Friday: 12pm-3pm (Ace of Clubs)
Monday-Thursday: 9am-11am (Vineyard Community Centre)
Tuesday: 12:30pm-3pm (The Yard, Putney)
Glass Door runs London’s largest emergency winter night shelter, providing men and women a safe, warm place to sleepfrom November to April. Individuals affected by homelessness also access advice, food, showers and laundry facilities year-round from drop-in day centres that work in partnership with the charity.
Accommodation/housing advice, Bathroom/showers, Careers advice, Clothing store, Education/training, Food (free), Internet access, Tenancy support, Advocacy, Benefits advice
Greenwich Winter Night Shelter
Phone: 07985 496905
Monday-Sunday: 7pm-8:30am
Referral by agreed partner agencies must be confirmed by GWNS project worker. 18+, mixed, 15 places.
Food (free)
Hackney Winter Night Shelter
Phone: 020 853 3808, 020 3729 8864
01 November to 30 March
Monday-Sunday: 7:30pm-8am (6.30pm Sundays. Closed during Crisis)
Mixed; beds for 25 (screened area for women); dry. Last admission 8.30pm. Agency referrals only - phone to check details and leave message if voicemail. 15 bed spaces until 23 Dec 2017, 25 until 31 March 2018.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Counselling, Food (free), Outreach worker links, Outreach workers
Hope 4 Barking Night Shelter
Phone: 07527 192161
Monday-Sunday: 7:30pm-8am
Year-round shelter for around 15 single people aged 18+ in the LB of Barking & Dagenham. Self- or agency referrals. Ring or email h4bdnighshelter@outlook.com
Accommodation/housing advice, Food (free), Advocacy, Bathroom/showers
Joel Night Shelter
Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness, St Peter's Church Hall, London Rd, Kingston
Phone: 0208 255 7400
Monday-Sunday: 7pm-9am (night shelter)
Tuesday: 8:30am-9:30am (conflict resolution)
Tuesday: 10am-1pm (art group)
Thursday: 10am-2pm ('cook and eat' programme)
Monday-Friday: 10am-1pm (drop-in advice)
Referrals primarily via Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (020 8255 7400), which is next door. Supports primarily single people with a local connection to Kingston who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or who are experiencing serious problems with private landlords. They help solve housing problems and improve the quality of people's lives.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Art classes, Barber, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Education/training, Food (free), Foot care, Internet access, Laundry, Leisure facilities, Luggage storage, Tenancy support
Merton Winter Night Shelter
YMCA LSW Wimbledon, 200 The Broadway
SW19 1RY
Phone: 020 8544 6697
Monday-Sunday: 6:30pm-8:30am
Self- and agency referrals, most from Faith in Action Homeless Project. Online referral form: https://bit.ly/2OMyusa. Info: mertonnightshelter@gmail.com 18+, dry, mixed, 12 spaces.
Food (free), Food, Accommodation/housing advice
New Horizon Youth Centre
68 Chalton Street
Phone: 020 7388 5560
Monday-Sunday: 10:30am-3:30pm (showers, laundry, breakfast & lunch;10.30am-1pm advice)
Day centre
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10am-1pm
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 1:30pm-3pm
For young (16-24) homeless people. Free lunch. Women-only groups. Mental health, life skills & advice, and employment/resettlement support. Sex worker project. Street outreach. Refugee worker. 7-day drop-in provision. First-time visitors should arrive outside the centre at 10.00am to make an appointment with the Advice team. Support with referrals into winter night shelters. Our day centre is currently open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 10:30am and 3.30pm.
Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Careers advice, Clothing store, Drugs workers, Education/training, Food (free), Internet access, Leisure facilities, Medical/health, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers
NEWway Project (Newham)
Bonny Downs Baptist Church, Darwell Close
E6 6BT
Phone: 07490983777
Monday-Sunday: 7:30pm-8:30am
Referral-only winter night shelter and year-round NEWday centre for homeless people in Newham, with extended Advocacy services and life-skills workshops. Office hours: Monday to Sunday, 9am-2:30pm.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Debt advice, Drugs workers, Food (free), Laundry, Tenancy support, Benefits advice, Clothing store, Careers advice, Medical/health, Bathroom/showers, Internet access, Dentist, Counselling, Education/training, Outreach worker links
Quaker Homeless Action/Quaker Open Christmas
Admin: PO Box 7105, Poole, Dorset BH15 4DQ, Winter shelter: The American Church, 79A Tottenham Court Road,
Phone: 07833 123155
23 December to 30 December
Monday: 3pm-9am
Tuesday-Monday: 9am-9am Open 24 hours. 3pm on 23 December until 10am on 30th December. There will be hot food and drinks, clothing, entertainment, mobile library, hairdressers, a food bank, showers, and all sorts of other services and resources available.
Monday: 11:30am-12:30pm (mobile library, 3rd week of month, Manna Centre)
Tuesday: 7pm-7:30pm (mobile library, alt. weeks at Lincoln’s Inn Fields)
Saturday: 10am-4pm (mobile library: The Passage, 10am–10.30am; The American Church, 11.15am–12pm; St Giles in the Fields, 2pm–4pm)
Quaker Homeless Action runs mobile libraries. The Christmas Shelter (24 beds, dry) provides breakfast and supper for up to 75. It closes at 10pm except for those who have been given a bed. Self referrals and referrals from Islington Outreach Forum agencies (inc. Islington DAAT, Whitaker Centre, Pilion Trust, New Horizon, Focus and Angel Drug Services) or others that can provide ongoing support. Phone to check vacancies.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Art classes, Barber, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Drugs workers, Food (free), Foot care, Medical/health, Needle exchange, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers, Sexual health, Leisure facilities
Robes Project (Southwark & Lambeth)
Phone: 020 7407 5623
05 November to 14 April
Monday-Sunday: 7pm-8am (closed during Crisis, 23–30 Dec)
Rolling winter night shelter. Referrals ONLY through Manna Soc, Spires, Ace of Clubs, Webber St Day Centre, Crisis, Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers, Southwark SPOT, Lambeth Safer Streets Team, The Big Issue, Shelter. 18+, 35 bed spaces, low support needs.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Food (free)
The Haven
c/o Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (KCAH), St Peter's Church Hall, London Road, Kingston upon Thames
Phone: 020 8255 7400
Monday-Sunday: 6pm-7:30am
Various churches: 18+, mixed, beds for 30 (separate area for women), agency or self-referral (via KCAH's housing advice sessions Mon-Fri 10am-1pm), and dry. Night shelter will not run this winter because of Covid.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Food (free)
The Salvation Army Redbridge Cold Weather Shelter
c/o Salvation Army, St Mary's Road, Ilford
Phone: 020 8514 3283 (referrals)
Monday-Sunday: 8pm-7am
Referrals (verified rough sleepers) via Welcome Project, Ilford: 0208 514 3283. 28 bed spaces. No readmission.
Food (free), Food
The Shelter Project (Hounslow)
c/o Brentford Free Church, Boston Manor Road, Brentford
Phone: 07804 654 510
Monday-Sunday: 8pm-7:30am
Age 21+; men only; beds for 14. Medium- to high support needs, asylum seekers, NRPF. Referral via Partnership Hounslow (addictions service), Refugee Action, Street Legal West, Olive Branch Homeless Drop-in Hounslow. Office open 10am-5pm.
Accommodation/housing advice, Food (free), Food
Together in Barnet Winter Shelter
c/o Homeless Action in Barnet, 36b Woodhouse Road
N12 0RG
Phone: 020 8446 8400
08 October to 05 May
Monday-Sunday: 7pm-8:30am (last admission 10pm; lights out 11pm)
18+, mixed, beds for 15; dry. Referral via Homeless Action in Barnet (020 8446 8400; admin@togetherinbarnet.org) and agencies in Barnet. No drugs, alcohol, violence, no dogs.
Accommodation/housing advice, Food (free)
WLM Night Shelter (Westminster)
c/o West London Day Centre, 134-136 Seymour Place
Phone: 0793 0258252
Monday-Sunday: 7pm-7:30am
25+; dry; mixed; 15 spaces (separate area for women). Referral from West London Day Centre only.
Accommodation/housing advice, Food (free)
Bethany Welcome Centre
Haymarket Hub Hotel, 7 Clifton Terrace, Edinburgh
EH12 5DR
Phone: 07919 557 673
Open 24/7 October – May Free accommodation, food and support for people sleeping rough. Just show up or call the number above for support.
Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Counselling, Food (free), Outreach worker links