Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656
Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760
If you would like your service to be included, please download and complete an entry form
Your rights
The Rights Guide for Rough Sleepers outlines your rights around arrest, stop and search, answering police questions, move-ons, no-drinking zones, sleeping rough, taking a pee in public and highway obstruction. It was put together by the Pavement, Housing Justice, Liberty and Zacchaeus 2000.
If your benefits have been sanctioned (cut off or reduced) and you feel this is unfair, you can appeal. Print this letter and hand it in at the office where you sign on. If you feel you need more advice about sanctions, contact Zacchaeus 2000 or your nearest Citizen’s Advice Bureau. And let us know contact@thepavement.org.uk at the Pavement!
- All services
- Advice services
- Animals/pets
- Arts
- BME/refugee
- Day centres/drop-ins
- Domestic violence
- Drugs/alcohol
- Eastern Europeans
- Elderly people
- Ex-forces
- Ex-offenders
- Food/soup runs
- Health/medical
- Homeless Persons Unit
- Housing help
- Miscellaneous
- Night shelters
- People with dependent children
- Social events
- Winter shelters
- Women
- Work/training
- Young people
- All facilities
- accommodation/housing advice
- advocacy
- alcohol workers
- art classes
- barber
- bathroom/showers
- bedding
- benefits advice
- careers advice
- clothing store
- counselling
- debt advice
- dentist
- drugs workers
- education/training
- ex-forces
- ex-offenders
- food
- food (free)
- foot care
- internet access
- laundry
- legal advice
- leisure facilities
- luggage storage
- medical/health
- mental health
- music/drama
- needle exchange
- outreach worker links
- outreach workers
- sexual health
- step-free
- tenancy support
you are viewing "Housing help"
999 Club (Deptford Centre)
21 Deptford Broadway
Phone: 020 8694 5797
Tuesday: 9am-12pm (mental health professionals)
Wednesday: 9am-12pm (GP & signposting)
Thursday: 9am-12pm (nurse practitioner)
Monday-Friday: 1pm-4pm serving food and providing access to a shower.
Warm and welcoming environment to anyone who is homeless. Day centre every weekday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm serving food and providing access to a shower. Learn new skills, find work and housing and reconnect to family and friends. Open-access sessions where people can access specialist advice on housing and benefits. Learning and activities programme and specialist healthcare services.
Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Art classes, Barber, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Careers advice, Education/training, Foot care, Internet access, Laundry, Medical/health, Tenancy support, Legal advice, Ex-offenders, Food
CARIS Islington Churches Cold Weather Shelter
The Annexe, St Mellitus Church, Tollington Park
N4 3AG
Phone: 020 7281 5200
Free night shelter, food, showers and a safe place to sleep. Phone after completing and emailing a 1-page registration form to info@carisislington.org. 15 guests; 18+, dry. Opens in January; dates and times to be confirmed.
Advocacy, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Food (free), Food, Internet access, Laundry, Outreach worker links
Enfield and Haringey Homeless Respite, All People All Places
N8 & EN2
Monday-Sunday: 7:30pm-8am
Daytime casework (housing, benefits, health) and advocacy all year. From December to March, there is overnight respite offering evening meal, bed and breakfast, but it is recommended that you apply for a place before December to get on the list/waiting list: info@allpeopleallplaces.org. Email contact 7 days per week. Response often immediate, always same day and within 24 hours. Day centre operates 4 or 5 days per week. All enquiries by email: info@allpeopleallplaces.org.
Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Accommodation/housing advice, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Benefits advice, Debt advice, Laundry, Music/drama, Tenancy support
Joel Night Shelter
Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness, St Peter's Church Hall, London Rd, Kingston
Phone: 0208 255 7400
Monday-Sunday: 7pm-9am (night shelter)
Tuesday: 8:30am-9:30am (conflict resolution)
Tuesday: 10am-1pm (art group)
Thursday: 10am-2pm ('cook and eat' programme)
Monday-Friday: 10am-1pm (drop-in advice)
Referrals primarily via Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (020 8255 7400), which is next door. Supports primarily single people with a local connection to Kingston who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or who are experiencing serious problems with private landlords. They help solve housing problems and improve the quality of people's lives.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Art classes, Barber, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Education/training, Food (free), Foot care, Internet access, Laundry, Leisure facilities, Luggage storage, Tenancy support
Marylebone Centre (Church Army)
1-5 Cosway St
Phone: 020 7262 3818
Monday: 10:30am-11:30am (drama)
Monday: 1:30pm-3:30pm (M’lebone Proj newsletter)
Tuesday: 10am-12pm (open access; clothing for rough sleepers only)
Tuesday & Friday: 1:30pm-3:30pm (healthy eating; kitchen skills)
Wednesday: 8am-9am (running club)
Wednesday: 9am-12pm (Women into Work 1:1; advice)
Wednesday: 1:30pm-3:30pm (Women into Work group)
Thursday: 9am-3pm (life coaching 1:1)
Thursday & Friday: 1:30pm-3:30pm (Westminster Adul Education Service – IT, reading, writing)
Friday: 10am-12pm (ESOL for beginners)
Female-only project. Two hostels with 112 single beds and a day centre with a rough sleepers' drop-in. Activities programme for residents and day centre users. Lift for people with mobility problems to access the day centre.
Bathroom/showers, Careers advice, Clothing store, Education/training, Food (free), Internet access, Laundry, Luggage storage, Medical/health, Music/drama, Sexual health, Tenancy support, Step-free, Leisure facilities
NEWway Project (Newham)
Bonny Downs Baptist Church, Darwell Close
E6 6BT
Phone: 07490983777
Monday-Sunday: 7:30pm-8:30am
Referral-only winter night shelter and year-round NEWday centre for homeless people in Newham, with extended Advocacy services and life-skills workshops. Office hours: Monday to Sunday, 9am-2:30pm.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Debt advice, Drugs workers, Food (free), Laundry, Tenancy support, Benefits advice, Clothing store, Careers advice, Medical/health, Bathroom/showers, Internet access, Dentist, Counselling, Education/training, Outreach worker links
Rock Trust (Albany St)
55 Albany St, Edinburgh
Phone: 0345 222 1425
Monday: 4pm-7pm (cooking group)
Tuesday & Wednesday: 4pm-7pm (drop-in)
Advises, educates and supports young people. Enables them to build the personal skills and resources required to make a positive and healthy transition to adulthood, while avoiding or moving on from homelessness. Not SF.
Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Bathroom/showers, Clothing store, Counselling, Food (free), Food, Internet access, Laundry, Tenancy support
Streetwork Crisis Centre
22 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh
Phone: 0131 557 6055
Saturday & Sunday: 9am-5pm (drop-in)
Helpline 24/7: 0808 178 2323. Open 365 days a year to support anyone in Edinburgh who does not have a safe place to sleep. Though their Holyrood Hub and helpline, they advise, refer and support people to access the services they need to resolve their situation.
Accommodation/housing advice, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Careers advice, Debt advice, Internet access, Laundry, Luggage storage, Medical/health, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers, Step-free, Advocacy, Counselling, Food (free), Tenancy support