Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656
Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760
If you would like your service to be included, please download and complete an entry form
Your rights
The Rights Guide for Rough Sleepers outlines your rights around arrest, stop and search, answering police questions, move-ons, no-drinking zones, sleeping rough, taking a pee in public and highway obstruction. It was put together by the Pavement, Housing Justice, Liberty and Zacchaeus 2000.
If your benefits have been sanctioned (cut off or reduced) and you feel this is unfair, you can appeal. Print this letter and hand it in at the office where you sign on. If you feel you need more advice about sanctions, contact Zacchaeus 2000 or your nearest Citizen’s Advice Bureau. And let us know contact@thepavement.org.uk at the Pavement!
- All services
- Advice services
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- Homeless Persons Unit
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- Miscellaneous
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- Social events
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- Women
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- All facilities
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- barber
- bathroom/showers
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- benefits advice
- careers advice
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- counselling
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- dentist
- drugs workers
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- ex-forces
- ex-offenders
- food
- food (free)
- foot care
- internet access
- laundry
- legal advice
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- mental health
- music/drama
- needle exchange
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- outreach workers
- sexual health
- step-free
- tenancy support
you are viewing "Women"
Brent Recovery Day Programme
Willesden Centre for Health, Harlesden Road
NW10 3RY
Phone: 0300 303 4611 (free)
The Programme provides recovery treatment for people (18+) with addiction problems in Brent to help them get back to a clean and sober life, free from addiction. It runs 6 days a week for 12 weeks, and the team includes substance misuse workers, doctors, nurses and psychologists, as well as volunteers and peer mentors. 24/7 Helpline: 0800 107 1754. Get your support worker to complete the referral form (info.brent@wdp.org.uk). Women-only groups available.
Needle exchange, Drugs workers, Alcohol workers, Sexual health, Counselling, Careers advice, Education/training
CGL - New Direction
410 Lewisham High Street, Lewisham
SE13 6LJ
Phone: 020 8314 5566
Tuesday: 9am-1pm Self-referral/open access
Integrated treatment for adults who have a problem with drug and alcohol use. Nurses, keyworkers, doctors and counsellors, plus a peer mentor programme. Gender-specific services. Complementary health services. NA, CA and SMART groups. For assessment, attend an open-access session. Accept referrals by phone or email on ND.Referrals@cgl.org.uk Support for families and carers is available. Email: lewisham.carers@cgl.org.uk.
Alcohol workers, Counselling, Drugs workers, Education/training, Medical/health, Needle exchange, Outreach workers
Clean Break
2 Patshull Road
Phone: 020 7482 8600
Inspirational theatre company working with women whose lives have been affected by the criminal justice system. Free courses in acting, writing, singing and recording. The Women's Space will be for women offenders and women at risk of offending due to drug or alcohol use or mental health needs.
Mental health, Alcohol workers, Drugs workers, Education/training, Music/drama, Counselling, Medical/health
Crisis Christmas
66 Commercial Street
E1 6LT
Phone: 0300 636 1967
23 December to 29 December
Monday: 11am-9pm
Tuesday-Sunday: 9am-9pm
Crisis at Christmas provides food, good cheer and great company. Take part in fun and relaxing activities and get one-to-one advice to find your way out of homelessness. Day Centre addresses (23 – 29 December only: North London Day Centre (Westminster Kingsway College, 211 Grays Inn Row, WC1X 8RA), East London Day Centre (The City Academy, Hackney, Homerton Row, E9 6EA), West London Day Centre (Kensington Aldridge Academy, 1 Silchester Road, W10 6EX), South London Centre (City of London Academy, Lynton Road, SE1 5LA), and Croydon Centre (Harris Invictus Academy Croydon, 88 London Road, CR0 2TB).
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Dentist, Education/training, Food (free), Internet access, Outreach worker links, Leisure facilities, Foot care, Mental health, Medical/health, Music/drama, Drugs workers, Legal advice, Food, Alcohol workers, Tenancy support
Hackney Recovery Service
110 Mare Street
E8 3SG
Phone: 0300 303 2611
Service for people with problems with drugs. Drop-in, prescribing, community detox, BBV clinics, group work, key working. Self-refer of get your key worker to help you. Out-of-hours, please phone 0808 168 8669.
Education/training, Careers advice, Accommodation/housing advice, Benefits advice, Counselling, Drugs workers, Needle exchange
Haringey Recovery Service
590 Seven Sisters Road
N15 6HR
Phone: 020 8801 3999
Works with individuals in recovery from drug & alcohol misuse. Holistic approach, with continued support, equipping people with the skill for self-development.
Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Art classes, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Counselling, Debt advice, Drugs workers, Education/training, Internet access, Leisure facilities, Music/drama, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers, Sexual health, Tenancy support, Legal advice, Ex-offenders, Step-free
Maya House, 134-138 Borough High Street
Phone: 020 7378 3100
Supports male and female victims of modern slavery to ensure their voices are heard and they get the support they need to rebuild their lives. Wide range of services - check the website for details. Supported housing for vulnerable young people.
Mental health, Advocacy, Drugs workers, Alcohol workers
OK Rehab
48B Gun Street
E1 6AH
Phone: 0800 326 5559
OK Rehab specialises in addiction treatment. Help is available via both inpatient and outpatient treatment providers. We also work with clinics that are able to facilitate treatment taking place in your own home, who are able to provide professional intervention and home detoxification. At OK Rehab, our aim is to help individuals break free from the shackles of addiction and find a treatment that’s ideally suited to their needs. This treatment is applicable for drug addiction, alcoholism and process/behavioural addictions. OK Rehab is able to locate addiction treatment that’s tailored to your needs. We work in partnership with over 140 treatment providers across the UK and abroad. When you contact us, you discover a wealth of knowledge about the potential pros and cons of each treatment type for your particular needs. Contact us today to find out how we can help. Below, we list a variety of ways we are able to assist you or your loved one in seeking out effective addiction treatment: - An over-the-phone assessment to determine if you require addiction treatment - Access to over 140+ clinics across the UK and abroad -Advice relating to outpatient, residential and home detox services - Access to detox clinics regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) - Fast access to emergency detox treatment, is appropriate - Access to professional interventionists across the UK - Advice by staff members who are themselves in recovery - Information on both private and statutory funded addiction treatment providers
Advocacy, Counselling, Drugs workers, Alcohol workers
Praed Street Project
c/o Jefferiss Wing, St Mary's Hospital, Praed Street
W2 1NY
Phone: 020 3312 6629
Friday: 9am-4:30pm
Wednesday: 12pm-4pm
Outreach for women who work in the sex industry, on the streets and in working flats. Clinic-based STD services Monday to Friday. Advice on sexual health, support and info on sex work, the law, drugs, housing, HIV, self-defence/ safety, and to meet other women. Drop in or phone. Clinics by appointment. Outreach at your flat or sauna: 020 3312 1549.
Drugs workers, Medical/health, Legal advice
Providence Row
The Dellow Centre, 82 Wentworth Street
E1 7SA
Phone: 020 7375 0020
Monday: 10am-11:30am (men's group)
Monday: 2pm-3pm (yoga)
Tuesday: 9:30am-12:30pm (homeopathy)
Tuesday: 11:30am-12:30pm (relaxation skills)
Tuesday: 2pm-3:30pm (women's group)
Wednesday: 11:30am-1pm (peer support, addictions)
Thursday: 11am-1pm (art & wellbeing)
Friday: 10am-11:30am (Breaking Free Online- computer assisted therapy)
Friday: 10am-11:30am (self-harming support group)
Monday: 1:30pm-3:30pm (mental health drop-in)
Helps people of all backgrounds to an independent and fulfilled life away from homelessness & exclusion. They address not only users' immediate needs, but also the underlying issues and causes of their homelessness and exclusion. Download the timetable for their learning and wellbeing programme (https://bit.ly/2FXNYor). Most of their facilities are step-free. Services in Romanian and Polish.
Mental health, Art classes, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Careers advice, Counselling, Drugs workers, Education/training, Food (free), Food, Internet access, Needle exchange
Glasgow City Mission
20 Crimea Street, Glasgow
G2 8PW
Phone: 0141 221 2630
Open Monday – Friday Drop In: 10am – 4:30pm, 6 – 7:30pm Lunch: 1 – 3pm, Dinner: 6 – 7:30pm. Our Urban café is open for music lessons and college classes. We are also working with some guests to get them into employment. Our counselling service is operating in Crimea Street and some activities continue online. Nursery open.
Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Careers advice, Counselling, Drugs workers, Education/training, Food (free), Foot care, Internet access, Leisure facilities, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers, Tenancy support, Step-free, Ex-forces, Ex-offenders, Food, Medical/health, Advocacy
Number 20 (Four Square)
Call for address.
Phone: 0131 221 2293
Temporary emergency supported accommodation for young women and men between 16 and 21 (inclusive) who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. No direct referrals, have to go through the council 0800 032 5968.
Mental health, Counselling, Drugs workers, Outreach workers, Education/training
Recovery Empowers North East Women (RENEW)
Calton Heritage & Learning Centre, 423 Londen Road, Glasgow
G40 1AG
Phone: 0141 550 9573
Women-only recovery service. Recovery session, Zumba, massage, arts & crafts or beauty therapy, soup/sandwiches, hot drinks.
Food, Art classes, Alcohol workers, Drugs workers
Turning Point Scotland (Alcohol & Drug recovery)
112 Commerce Street, Tradeston, Glasgow
G5 9NT
Phone: 0141 948 0092
Needle exchange & temp accommodation. 24 hour service for homeless people in crisis because of mental health, drugs or alcohol. A 12-bed residential unit provides a safe environment to withdraw from a chaotic lifestyle. Average stay is 28–36 days.
Alcohol workers, Counselling, Drugs workers, Leisure facilities, Medical/health, Needle exchange, Step-free, Advocacy, Accommodation/housing advice, Foot care
Turning Point Scotland (North East Recovery Hub Edinburgh)
5 Links Place, Leith, Edinburgh
Phone: 0800 652 3757
Wednesday: 11am-4:45pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 9:15am-7:45pm
Drop in open, but with limited service. Drop in to arrange further 1-to-1 support. Needle Exchange Mon – Fri at the times stated above. Range of addiction and recovery services open to men and women aged 16 and over who are aware they have a substance misuse problem and would like to start their recovery journey. Other services across Edinburgh available: call freephone number for information.
Alcohol workers, Art classes, Counselling, Drugs workers, Leisure facilities, Medical/health, Needle exchange, Sexual health, Step-free