Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Your rights

The Rights Guide for Rough Sleepers outlines your rights around arrest, stop and search, answering police questions, move-ons, no-drinking zones, sleeping rough, taking a pee in public and highway obstruction. It was put together by the Pavement, Housing Justice, Liberty and Zacchaeus 2000.

If your benefits have been sanctioned (cut off or reduced) and you feel this is unfair, you can appeal. Print this letter and hand it in at the office where you sign on. If you feel you need more advice about sanctions, contact   Zacchaeus 2000 or your nearest Citizen’s Advice Bureau. And let us know at the Pavement!


you are viewing "LGBT"
LGBT Youth Scotland

See website for branches

Advice for LGBT youth in Scotland. Online chat and one-to-one support.

Counselling, Sexual health

AKT (London and nationwide)

N1 7GW

Phone: 020 7831 6562

Monday-Friday: 10am-4:30pm

Get housing advice by emailing Mon–Fri: 10am–4:30pm Supports LGBT 16–25-year-olds who are homeless or living in a hostile or violent environment because they have come out to their parents or caregiver. Since Covid-19 supports young people online. Staff can also still be contacted as normal. If you have any general enquiries email: We have offices in London, Manchester, Bristol and Newcastle which are staffed from 10am - 4:30pm Mon-Fri.

Mental health, Sexual health, Counselling, Legal advice, Accommodation/housing advice

Antidote Services (London Friend)

London Friend, 86 Caledonian Road

N1 9DN

Phone: 020 7833 1674

Was an LGBT+ drop in pre-Covid-19. Drug and alcohol service targeted at the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. Antidote hosts Drop-in clinics in-person on Monday 11am to 1pm and online Thursday 6pm to 8pm. For support email; Also drug and alcohol services targeted at the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. See website for latest contact information.

Alcohol workers, Counselling, Drugs workers, Sexual health

Hackney Recovery Service

110 Mare Street

E8 3SG

Phone: 0300 303 2611

Monday-Friday: 10am-4pm (assessment sessions at 110 Mare Street)

Service for people with problems with drugs. Drop-in, prescribing, community detox, BBV clinics, group work, key working. Self-refer of get your key worker to help you. Out-of-hours, please phone 0808 168 8669.

Education/training, Careers advice, Accommodation/housing advice, Benefits advice, Counselling, Drugs workers, Needle exchange

Positive East

159 Mile End Road, Stepney

E1 4AQ

Phone: 020 7791 2855

Monday-Friday: 10:30am-5pm

Pre-Covid-19 did HIV testing. Still offers Practical and emotional support and advice by HELPLINE (020 7791 2855) for people living with or affected by HIV in E London. Option 1 psychological help. Option 2 advice line on housing & benefits. Option 3 sexual health questions. Please see website for full list of services operating during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mental health, Advocacy, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Counselling, Food, Internet access, Medical/health, Outreach workers, Sexual health

Spectra CIC

St Charles Centre, Exmoor Street

W10 6DZ

Phone: 0203 322 6920

Pre-Covid-19 were offering health and well-being services, including sexual health, emotional resilience and wellbeing. Outreach, social and therapeutic groups, support, health screening, counselling. Services are suspended - check website for details as some services are reinstated.

Mental health, Counselling, Education/training, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers, Sexual health


Phone: 0808 1000 143

Monday-Friday: 9am-4pm (helpline)

Helpline and support for young people affected by homophobic bullying. Email:

Advocacy, Counselling, Legal advice

Equality Network


Phone: 0131 467 6039

A leading national charity working for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) equality and human rights in Scotland. Run events, 1-2-1 support groups and produce guidance.

Counselling, Outreach worker links


Phone: 0207 704 2040

Monday & Tuesday: 10am-4pm
Wednesday & Thursday: 10am-7:30pm
Friday: 10am-4pm

The LGBT+ anti-violence charity. Offers support for LGBTQ+ people xperiencing hate crime, sexual violence or transphobia. Online chat and free helpine available. Domestic abuse helpline is open Monday – Thursday, 10am to 8:30pm and Friday, 10am to 4:30pm Hate crime helpline is Monday – Friday

Legal advice, Counselling, Sexual health, Mental health, Medical/health

Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre

17 Claremont Cres, Edinburgh


Phone: 08088 01 03 02

Monday-Sunday: 5pm-12am (helpline)

Free and confidential emotional and practical support and information to women, all members of the transgender community. Young people aged 12–18 who live in Edinburgh and the Lothians and have experienced sexual violence can get help via the STAR project on Textline: 07537 410 027

Advocacy, Counselling

LGBT Helpline Scotland


Phone: 0300 123 2523

Tuesday-Wednesday: 12pm-9pm
Thursday & Sunday: 1pm-6pm

Working to improve the health, wellbeing and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) people in Scotland. Livechat at

Counselling, Mental health, Outreach worker links

Rape Crisis Scotland

46 Bath Street, Glasgow

G2 1HG

Phone: 0141 331 4180 (gen enquiries)

Monday-Sunday: 6pm-12am

Helpline: 08088 01 03 02. Free, confidential helpline for anyone, women and men, affected by sexual violence, no matter when or how it happened. We can also put you in touch with local rape crisis centres or other services if you need longer-term support. Minicom service for deaf or hard of hearing people (0141 353 3091). Interpreters are available if your first language is not English.

Counselling, Outreach worker links, Sexual health

Stonewall Scotland


Phone: 0800 050 2020

Monday-Friday: 9:30am-4:30pm (helpline)

Help, information and support for LGBT communities and their allies. Contact Freephone for information.

Counselling, Legal advice, Outreach worker links