Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656
Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760
If you would like your service to be included, please download and complete an entry form
Your rights
The Rights Guide for Rough Sleepers outlines your rights around arrest, stop and search, answering police questions, move-ons, no-drinking zones, sleeping rough, taking a pee in public and highway obstruction. It was put together by the Pavement, Housing Justice, Liberty and Zacchaeus 2000.
If your benefits have been sanctioned (cut off or reduced) and you feel this is unfair, you can appeal. Print this letter and hand it in at the office where you sign on. If you feel you need more advice about sanctions, contact Zacchaeus 2000 or your nearest Citizen’s Advice Bureau. And let us know contact@thepavement.org.uk at the Pavement!
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- outreach workers
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you are viewing "all services"
Homeless Outreach Project (Edinburgh)
65/5 Niddrie Mains Terrace, Edinburgh
EH16 4NX
Phone: 0131 661 7137
Outreach service for homeless people experiencing difficulties with their mental health and/or addictions.
Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Counselling, Drugs workers, Education/training, Outreach workers, Sexual health, Tenancy support
LGBT Youth Scotland
See website for branches
Advice for LGBT youth in Scotland. Online chat and one-to-one support.
Counselling, Sexual health
Muslim Women's Helpline
Phone: 020 8904 8193 / 0208908 6715
For Muslim women from any ethnicity. Some face to face counselling is available.
The Salvation Army (Laurieston Centre)
39 South Portland Street, Glasgow
G5 9JL
Phone: 0141 429 6533
Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Benefits advice, Counselling, Debt advice, Education/training, Food (free), Food, Internet access, Leisure facilities, Medical/health, Sexual health, Tenancy support
240 Project
Latimer Community Church, 116 Bramley Road
W10 6SU
Phone: 0207 0187 540
Tuesday: 11am-4pm Art, acupuncture, clay workshop, music group
Wednesday: 11am-4pm Art, portraiture, creative writing
Thursday: 12am-12am Times vary. Wellbeing trip.
Arts and wellbeing focused charity, creating a friendly and safe space for vulnerable adults, many with history of homelessness. Contact us for our current timetable and to find out more. Ring for details or check the timetable (www.240project.org.uk/timetable/). Not step-free.
Art classes, Food, Internet access, Leisure facilities, Music/drama, Counselling, Mental health
Acton Homeless Concern
Emmaus House, 1 Berrymead Gardens
W3 8AA
Phone: 020 8992 5768
Monday-Friday: 2pm-6pm (refreshments, Damien Centre, 3-5 Church Rd, Acton)
Thursday: 2:30pm-6pm (refreshments, Damien Centre, 3-5 Church Rd, Acton)
Call for the times of their wide range of services. Emmaus House provides hot lunches during the week and every other weekend. It's also where clients can shower, pick up clothes and household items. Free professional services are on offer by appointment.
Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Barber, Benefits advice, Clothing store, Counselling, Dentist, Drugs workers, Food, Foot care, Medical/health
Addiction, Recovery, Community, Hillingdon Service (Arch)
Old Bank House, 64 High Street, Uxbridge
Phone: 01895 207777
Tuesday & Thursday: 9am-7pm
Free and confidential service for young people and adults who live or are registered with a GP in Hillingdon and want to deal with their alcohol or drug difficulties, and associated emotional or mental health issues. Assessment and tailored recovery plans, detox, specialist treatment, advice and info, one-to-one and group therapy, peer support, men's and women's groups, evening and weekend social drop-in and activities etc. Self refer by phone or ask your key worker to help you.
Needle exchange, Accommodation/housing advice, Careers advice, Leisure facilities, Counselling
AKT (London and nationwide)
N1 7GW
Phone: 020 7831 6562
Get housing advice by emailing gethelp@akt.org.uk Mon–Fri: 10am–4:30pm Supports LGBT 16–25-year-olds who are homeless or living in a hostile or violent environment because they have come out to their parents or caregiver. Since Covid-19 supports young people online. Staff can also still be contacted as normal. If you have any general enquiries email: contact@akt.org.uk We have offices in London, Manchester, Bristol and Newcastle which are staffed from 10am - 4:30pm Mon-Fri.
Mental health, Sexual health, Counselling, Legal advice, Accommodation/housing advice
All East
Ambrose King Centre, The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel Road
E1 1BB
Phone: 020 7377 7306/7307
Drop-in sexual health advice and counselling - check website for clinic addresses. Tests for infections & HIV. Drop-in and appointment clinics for sex workers. Clinic for gay men. Sexual assault clinic. Bangladeshi advocacy service. Ring or email BHNT.AKC-Reception@nhs.net for further info.
Counselling, Medical/health, Sexual health
Alone in London (Depaul)
Endeavour Centre, Sherborne House, 34 Decima Street
Phone: 020 7278 4224
Supports young people, 16-25-years-old, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to develop the skills and resources they need to secure sustainable and safe accommodation and to fulfil their potential. Free housing advice, family mediation and counselling services for people aged 11 to 25 - you can refer yourself or get your key worker to do it. Call 0207 939 1220 in office hours.
Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Careers advice, Counselling, Education/training
Antidote Services (London Friend)
London Friend, 86 Caledonian Road
N1 9DN
Phone: 020 7833 1674
Was an LGBT+ drop in pre-Covid-19. Drug and alcohol service targeted at the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. Antidote hosts Drop-in clinics in-person on Monday 11am to 1pm and online Thursday 6pm to 8pm. For support email counselling@londonfriend.org.uk; antidote@londonfriend.org.uk Also drug and alcohol services targeted at the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. See website for latest contact information.
Alcohol workers, Counselling, Drugs workers, Sexual health
Ashiana Network
Oceanair House, 750-760 High Road
E11 3BB
Phone: 020 8539 0427
Ashiana provides advice, support and safe housing for South Asian, Turkish and Iranian women experiencing domestic violence. In an emergency, please call 999.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Counselling, Outreach workers
Aziziye Mosque
117-119 Stoke Newington Road
N16 8BU
Phone: 020 7254 0046
Drop-in for advice and support on housing, family, substance use etc. Turkish & Arabic, interpreters available for other languages.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Benefits advice, Counselling
Barnet Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service
Ground Floor, Dennis Scott Unit, Edgware Community Hospital
Phone: 0300 303 3169
Support for young people affected by drug or alcohol problems. Psychosocial Interventions to encourage behavioural change and emotional change, pharmacological treatment, one to one and group work. Personalised services, and they can come and meet you at a place which suits you. Phone to find out more.
Alcohol workers, Counselling, Drugs workers
Brandon Centre
26 Prince of Wales Road
Phone: 020 7267 4792
Contraception & sexual health advice for under 25s. 020 7267 4792 or text 07451 288524 or email contraception@brandoncentre.org.uk
Sexual health, Medical/health, Counselling, Mental health, Advocacy
Brent Recovery Day Programme
Willesden Centre for Health, Harlesden Road
NW10 3RY
Phone: 0300 303 4611 (free)
The Programme provides recovery treatment for people (18+) with addiction problems in Brent to help them get back to a clean and sober life, free from addiction. It runs 6 days a week for 12 weeks, and the team includes substance misuse workers, doctors, nurses and psychologists, as well as volunteers and peer mentors. 24/7 Helpline: 0800 107 1754. Get your support worker to complete the referral form (info.brent@wdp.org.uk). Women-only groups available.
Needle exchange, Drugs workers, Alcohol workers, Sexual health, Counselling, Careers advice, Education/training
Cardboard Citizens
77a Greenfield Road
E1 6QR
Phone: 020 7377 8948
"theatre at its funniest, blackest, most daring and challenging best" - British Theatre Guide. Workshops at Crisis Skylight and hostels around London. Theatre, dance and music workshops. Individual support for workshop participants. Many online activities.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Careers advice, Counselling, Education/training, Music/drama, Leisure facilities
Cardinal Hume Centre
3-7 Arneway St, Horseferry Rd
Phone: 020 7222 1602 (reception)
Friday: 12:30pm-3:30pm
No walk-ins but appointments offered Monday-Thursday: 9:30am-3:30pm Enables people to gain the skills they need to overcome poverty and homelessness. Works with homeless young people, badly-housed families and others in need. Spanish (Wed) and Arabic (Friday) speakers by appointment. For the advice team, call: 020 7227 1673. For family services and learning services hours, call 020 7222 1602.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Counselling, Debt advice, Education/training, Internet access, Medical/health, Tenancy support
Caritas Anchor House
81 Barking Road, Canning Town
E16 4HB
Phone: 0207 476 6062
For people affected by homelessness, drug & alcohol misuse, mental health, domestic abuse & offending. Accommodation and varied services. Email info@caritasanchorhouse.org.uk. Opening times: 24/7
Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Art classes, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Counselling, Debt advice, Drugs workers, Education/training, Internet access, Music/drama, Step-free
Croydon Turnaround Centre, 2 Whitgift Street, Croydon
Phone: 0208 683 0227
Monday-Friday: 9:30am-4:45pm (22+, Taberner House)
Advice service for people aged 14-25 (including housing advice) at the Turnaround Centre - no appointment necessary. If you are 22 or older, visit Taberner House.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Counselling
Centre 70 Pro Bono Clinic
46 Knights Hill, West Norwood
SE27 0JD
Phone: 020 8670 0070
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10am-4pm (advice drop-in - closed 1-2pm. Phone 020 8670 0070 to arrange to see an advisor)
Wednesday: 2pm-4pm (advice drop-in. Phone 020 8670 0070 to arrange to see an advisor)
Initial legal advice, written advice and form-filling covering the areas of debt, employment, housing etc. The Centre also provides low-cost counselling and a range of other services.
Accommodation/housing advice, Debt advice, Counselling
Central House, 25 Camperdown Street
E1 8DZ
Phone: 0808 800 0661
A Freephone helpline available providing housing advice plus advice via email and live chat (website) for young people 25 and under across England. We are open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm Unfortunately, we don’t have direct access to accommodation. But we can explain to young people what their housing rights are, signpost them to services in their area that can support them and help them develop a plan of their next steps.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Counselling
CGL - Camden Community Drugs Service (Camden)
184 Royal College Street, Camden Town
Phone: 020 7485 2722
Monday & Thursday: 9:30am-8pm
Flexible, confidential treatment and support for adults in Camden with substance use issues. Drop in, phone or email camden.cdts@cri.cjsm.net for an appointment.
Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Benefits advice, Counselling, Drugs workers, Medical/health, Needle exchange, Outreach worker links, Legal advice
CGL - New Direction
410 Lewisham High Street, Lewisham
SE13 6LJ
Phone: 020 8314 5566
Tuesday: 9am-1pm Self-referral/open access
Integrated treatment for adults who have a problem with drug and alcohol use. Nurses, keyworkers, doctors and counsellors, plus a peer mentor programme. Gender-specific services. Complementary health services. NA, CA and SMART groups. For assessment, attend an open-access session. Accept referrals by phone or email on ND.Referrals@cgl.org.uk Support for families and carers is available. Email: lewisham.carers@cgl.org.uk.
Alcohol workers, Counselling, Drugs workers, Education/training, Medical/health, Needle exchange, Outreach workers
Clean Break
2 Patshull Road
Phone: 020 7482 8600
Inspirational theatre company working with women whose lives have been affected by the criminal justice system. Free courses in acting, writing, singing and recording. The Women's Space will be for women offenders and women at risk of offending due to drug or alcohol use or mental health needs.
Mental health, Alcohol workers, Drugs workers, Education/training, Music/drama, Counselling, Medical/health