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Homeless choir's debut album

September 30 2010
The studio that brought you Jamie Cullum records 40 homeless singers

The Choir With No Name, London's choir for homeless people, is recording its first album in Livingston Studios, north London, whose alumni range from Jamie Cullum to Shakira.

The choir has been together for two years; it began with just four members and now has 40. Marie Benton, its founder and director, said: "The aim of the group is to help the singers who are one stage up from being rough sleepers to build their confidence, make friends and create good music. I'd really like to give the members the experience of a lifetime at every stage of the recording process."

Choir member David Keen, 42, a former copywriter and archivist who came close to being homeless, said: "A favourite song I have sung with the choir is 'Watching the Wheels', by John Lennon. My least favourite is 'I'm Still Standing, by Elton John - I am not sure if it is realistic."

The songs on the album will be cover versions, including Elvis Presley's famous 'Suspicious Minds'. The album will be released at the end of November, priced £10. Money raised from sales will go back into the organisation for future expansion. Marie Benton said: "We have new plans to set up a choir for homeless people in Birmingham in 2011. We will be looking to appoint a choir director in Birmingham and also need volunteers to help with administration."

If you're interested in getting involved, go to or contact Marie directly at