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Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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August – September 2024 : Being Heard READ ONLINE


Immigration check fear

November 01 2015
Crisis has serious concerns about the checks private landlords will have to make.

Homeless charity Crisis has raised serious concerns about the new immigration checks that private landlords will have to make.

Under new legislation announced on 20 October, those renting privately will have to prove to their landlord that they have the right to stay in the UK.

According to Matt Downie, director of policy and external affairs at Crisis, the Home Office’s evaluation of a pilot scheme in Birmingham contains “some alarming findings about the homelessness impact”.

Six of the local charities surveyed said that people they represent had become homeless as a result of the scheme.

“Homeless people’s documents often get lost or stolen, and in today’s high-pressure rental market, landlords will be more likely to rent to someone who can provide the evidence quickly,” says Downie. “As well as creating problems for homeless people, this could lead to discrimination against foreign nationals and people of black and minority ethnic backgrounds.”