Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

February – March 2025 : Time READ ONLINE


FareShare London to open at weekend

May 12 2016
If you fancy helping them keep up with demand, volunteer...

To keep up with demand, FareShare is set to open its London warehouse on Saturdays from 14 May, and is looking for volunteers to help sort donated food ready for distribution. If you’ve not heard of FareShare, the model is they collect food that would otherwise be thrown away by supermarkets and other food suppliers, and redistribute it to charities, hostels and other support groups. They also kindly help deliver the Pavement on their rounds. If you can spare time on a morning or afternoon, get in touch. Travel costs in zones 1–4 are covered.

Let them know you’re interested by logging onto or calling 020 7394 2478 or emailing