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Global know how

May 15 2018
Ideas from around the world to help homeless people

Ideas from around the world to help homeless people

1. Would cash help? New idea from the Scottish Government means that outreach workers in Scottish cities can make instant pay outs of up to £200 to help rough sleepers pay for all sorts of things, from hotel rooms to haircuts. Want to try it out? Ask the Simon Community. (Guardian)

2. Pop-up roof Fold-out shelters over benches in rainy Vancouver, Canada have helped raise awareness about homelessness and provide some shelter. (Readers Digest)

3. Vending machine Trialled in Nottingham, and now spotted in Manchester and New York, is the vending machine from Action Hunger. These are filled with donated items (from clothes to food) that homeless people might need. Items are accessed with a special key card. (Thomson Reuters Foundation)

4. Take a hottie The Hot Water Bottle Network, on Facebook, offers a quick way to warm up. Hotties are hung from railings and trees with a friendly note, often saying, “Need one, take one,” plus a note about where to get a refill. Springing up in Brighton, Bristol, Bath.

5. Free water Water fountains and water refill points are one way to cut down on plastic bottle waste. Already common across Europe, look out for them in London, Edinburgh and Glasgow. And when you see a new one, please share location on the Pavement Facebook page.

6. Need anything washed? Orange Sky Laundry operates free mobile laundry services in six Australian cities. (Readers Digest)