Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

October – November 2024 : Change READ ONLINE


Director leaves Simon Community

May 18 2009
Charity director will work on a range of homelessness and Church social action projects Tim Nicholls, director of the Simon Community, left the organization on 11th January. Prior to his leaving, he told The Pavement: "I will taking a short sabbatical. Following this, I will be working on a range of projects to support homelessness and Church social action organisations." Asked about his time with the Community, and the reasons for his departure, he said: "I have had an eventful and challenging two years with the Simon Community. The increasing financial pressures on the Community and the struggle to raise funds without going for government contracts has justify the central costs involved in operating the charity. As a result, I have offered my resignation in the hope of allowing the Community the chance for breathing space financially to help it resolve its future direction, and to ensure that the frontline outreach services are able to be resourced." A community manager, Sarah Jeffery, will be starting in the near future and some of his role and responsibilities will be transferred to her.