Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

February – March 2025 : Time READ ONLINE


Not beg and not clever

May 23 2009
Aberdeen‘s begging boxes have not been a roaring success In a storm of publicity, begging boxes were launched in Aberdeen in a bid to cut the number of beggars on the city's streets. But over a year after the five boxes were introduced, they have raised a miserly ¬¨¬£748.23 for homeless people. Aberdeen was the first city in Scotland to introduce boxes to collect money for the homeless ‚Äö?Ñ?¨ in a bid to stop people giving directly to street beggars. Three of the boxes were immediately vandalised. The council report, by Alistair Baird, an officer in the adult care services department, states: "It is generally agreed that the scheme is a productive and successful initiative, which contributes to the overall attempt to address the issues associated with street begging. Tory councillor, Alan Donnelly, countered: "I think they have been a total waste of money." The report states that 40 people have been begging in the city in the past year. At any one time there are believed to be 28 beggars on Aberdeen's streets.