Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656
Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760
I am the person you do not see
Helena Sparks
July 01 2019
Poem by Helena Sparks
I am the person you do not see This is not the home I thought it would be. My numbness has returned Along with the memories I th...
- Abe Oudshorn
- Adam Grinsell
- Adam Yosef
- Adeola Palmer
- Adrian Whyatt
- Alan Murdie
- Alasdair Dixon
- Alastair Murray
- Alex McKay
- Alex Withers
- Alice Facchini
- Alice Ross
- Alice Troy-Donovan
- Amanda Palmer
- Amber Woodfull
- Amy Hopkins
- Ana
- Andre Rostant
- Andrew Knee, Dr Caroline Shilman & Juian Daley
- Andrew Sinclair
- Andrew Zapletal
- Andy Bell
- Ania Golinska
- Anna Blyth
- Anna Kostyrina
- Anna Thorley
- Anne Cooper
- Anorak
- Ant Mac
- Anthony Walsh
- Arome Agamah
- Arome Agamah & Alasdair Dixon
- Arthur Allan
- Ashley
- Bellara Huang
- Ben Campbell
- Ben McCabe
- Bez
- Big Issue journalism trainees
- Bowen Zheng
- Brian McDermott
- Bridie Witton
- Bronagh Sheridan
- Bronagh Sheridan & Cachella Smith
- Camilla Tominey
- Cardboard Carrier
- Carinya Sharples
- Carlo Svaluto Moreolo
- Caroline Fairgrieve
- Caroline McCue
- Catherine Heath
- Catherine Neilan
- Charlie Mole
- Charlie Radbourne
- Charlotte Cooper
- Charlotte Mitchell
- Cheryl
- Chloe Dormand
- Chris Bird
- Chris Sampson
- Chris Swann
- Christina Clark
- Christopher Ubsdell
- Christy Fleming
- Claire Nevill
- Claire Rivers
- Clara Denina
- Clare Goff
- Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore
- Crisis Staff
- Daisie Mansell
- Dan Falvey
- Daniela Sbrisny
- Darren Harvey
- Darren McGarvey
- David
- David Lawrence
- David Lawrence & Nicola Baird
- David Tovey
- David Wishart
- DD
- Dearbhla Crosse
- Declan Cairns
- Denise Collins
- Denise Harrison
- Diane Goodkind
- Dionne Newman
- Donald Ramsay
- Dr Seema Pattni
- Drew Bailey
- EC
- Eddie Ngugi
- Elizabeth Barker
- Elizabeth Mcmanus
- Elizabeth Parkes
- Ella Alexander
- Ellie Jones
- Ellis Guite
- Emdad Rahman
- Emily Macauley Wilcox
- Emma Batrick
- Emma Jarvis
- Eric Protein Moseley
- Esther Crespo-Rupérez
- Eugenia Cabaleiro Pereira
- Eve McDougall
- Flo
- Francesca Baker
- Francis McMenamin
- Fraser Tennant
- From The Ground Up peer reporters
- Garnet Roach
- Garry Burrows
- Gavin Hardy
- Gemskii
- George Kyriakos
- George Robertson
- Gerard Lemos
- Giedre Steikunaite
- Giselle Green
- Glasgow News group
- Gordon Chaston
- Grant McLean
- Greta Gillett
- Groundswell
- Hack
- Hazel Baird
- Heather Cutmore
- Helena Sparks
- Humanitarian
- HY
- Ian S Kalman
- Imran Ali
- Insider
- Ioan Marc Jones
- Ioanna-Kyriaki Toufexi
- Jack Hanington
- Jack Tafari
- Jackie Lindoe
- Jacqueline Messih
- Jake Cudsi
- Jake Cudsi & Bronagh Sheridan
- James Blakeley
- James Hopkirk
- James Quigley
- Jamie Jackson
- Jamie McGowan
- Jane Evans
- Janette Calin
- Janine Doughty
- Jared Kofsky
- Jason Electricity
- Jason Kelly
- Jasveer Kaur
- Jean Hindry
- Jemell Geraghty
- Jenisa Thumbadoo
- Jeremy Hayden
- Jerry
- Jiaqi Li
- Jim O’Reilly
- Jimmy Carlson OBE
- Jo Brown
- Jo O’Reilly
- Joanna McAleer
- Jocelyn Robson
- Joe
- Joe Donnelly
- Joe Smith
- John Ashmore
- John Cheesman
- John Doran
- John Sheehy
- John Watts
- Jon Gardiner
- Judah Stephenson
- Judith Kennon
- Judith Kennonis
- Julz Watt
- Justina Jameson
- Karen Squire
- Karin Goodwin
- Kate Brewin
- Kate Graham
- Katharine Hibbert
- Katherine Paterson
- Katy Taylor
- Kellie
- Ken Fruish
- Ken Pyne
- Kenny
- Kevin Headley
- Kieran Hughes
- L:orne Gillies
- Laura Blakley
- Laura Ogryzko
- Lawrence Blake
- Leon Eckford
- Lewis
- Liam Bradley
- Liam Court-Road
- Liat Fainman
- Lindsay Stronge
- Liv Boyce
- Liza Edwards
- Lizzie Cernik
- Lizzie Green
- Loan Khong
- Lucy Hopkins
- Lucy Thorne
- Luke Davies
- Lydia House
- Lynda Carson
- Lyndsey McLaughlin
- Lynn Carra
- Lynton Guest
- Magdalena Harris
- Maggie Page
- Mahesh Pherwani
- Mairi Gordon
- Marco Biagini
- Marsha Glenn
- Martin Burrows
- Mat Amp
- Matthew Hobbs
- Matthew Stanger
- McGinlay
- Michael Bowden
- Michelle Christopher
- Mike Donaldson
- Mike Edmondstone
- Mike Stokoe
- Missing People
- Museum of Homelessness Team
- Mx. Adam Khan
- Naomi Glass
- Naomi Osinnowo
- Natalie Peart
- Nathan Bleaken
- Neanderthal Bard
- Nicholas Olczak
- Nicola Baird
- Nicola Baird & the Pavement team
- Nicole O’Connor
- Noel Long
- Noelia Martínez Castellanos
- Oliver Hall
- Olivia Boyce
- Oscar Smith
- Pam Campbell
- Patience Takyuka
- Patrick O'Hare
- Paul Atherton
- Paul Atherton, Lee Foxhall, Charlie Radbourne, Sarka, Sheryle Thomas & Giselle Green.
- Pauline McColgan
- Pavement Glasgow Group
- Pilar Thorley-Saiz
- Polly Bindman
- Polly Evans
- Polskie Strony
- Poplar
- Puja Darbari
- Raynor Winn
- Rebecca Burn-Callander
- Rebecca Evans
- Rebecca Wearn
- Rebekah
- Renee Maltezou
- Richard Burdett
- Rik Hodgson
- Rob Edgar
- Robert Shaw
- Rodney Young
- Rosie Healey
- Rosie Roksoph
- Ruby
- Ruth Freeman
- Samantha Love
- Sanne Derks
- Sarah Cox
- Sarah Hough
- Sarah Murray
- Sarah Murray
- Sarah Napier
- Sarka
- Sean Lafferty
- Selina Hanley
- Shamle Begum
- Sheena Lahive
- Sheryle Thomas
- Shou-Ling Cheung
- Simon Gwynn
- Simone Helleren
- Simone Lincoln
- Simone Richardson
- Simple Simon
- Sinead Bennett
- Sirena Bergman
- Sophie Dianne
- Sophie Glickman
- Stacey Yates
- Staff
- Stephan Morrison
- Stephanie Davis
- Steve Sharman
- Steven McLauchlan
- team
- Teo Kermeliotis
- the Pavement team
- the Pavement Team & Groundswell
- The Simon Community
- The Word on the Street team
- Thea Deakin-Greenwood
- Tom Bowker
- Tracey Kiddle
- Val Stevenson
- Vanessa Greenstreet
- Various Artists
- Various Writers
- Veronique Mistiaen
- Vicki Green
- Viki Fox
- Viki Philipps
- Viola Levy
- We Are Here
- Will Quince
- Young Bailey
- Yousif Farah
- Zara Cameron