Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

June – July 2024 : Reflections READ ONLINE




Groundswell Homeless Link link
George Kyriakos May 18 2009

Homeless Link‘s director of policy, practice and campaigns is also chair of Groundswell‘s board of trustees.

Many readers will know Groundswell as the organisers of Speak Outs, and some will know Homeless Link as an umbrella organisation...

Beggar wins case in US
George Kyriakos May 18 2009

Loitering and begging protected under America‘s First Amendment

Across the pond, an American judge has set a new precedent in a case where a homeless man was arrested after asking a police off...

The smoking ban is coming
George Kyriakos May 18 2009

The ban on smoking in public places is coming soon, but what will it mean to our readers?

On July 1st, England will bring in legislation to prevent smoking in enclosed public spaces. As the date looms closer and closer...

Sunshine State prosecutes soup run
George Kyriakos May 18 2009

Florida police arrest a volunteer for giving out meals to the homeless, sparking a dispute between activists and officials

Police in the US state of Florida have arrested a volunteer for giving out meals to the homeless, sparking a dispute between act...

Suited and booted
George Kyriakos May 18 2009

Knock ‘em dead at your next interview with a proper City suit

The charity Crisis has made a large number of free suits available to the homeless, in an attempt to persuade more people to pur...

Reaching fever pitch
George Kyriakos May 18 2009

Seventeen thousand people are training for this summer‘s Homeless World Cup

While those idlers who play in the World Cup only turn up every four years, the tournament for those on the streets is an annual...

Polish rumour quashed
George Kyriakos May 18 2009

The Passage denies an Eastern European invasion took place

Rumours that suggested that a large number of eastern Europeans had tried to force their way into The Passage day centre last mo...