Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

February – March 2025 : Time READ ONLINE




After five years in the Royal Navy and various part-time and temping jobs, Richard Burdett began work at a London day centre. He and Nick Taylor, a volunteer at the centre, conceived and launched the Pavement in 2005. He left the day centre to run it full time soon afterwards.

Homeless Front launch
Richard Burdett September 26 2009

Out of the Doorways campaign is based on self-help and alternative shelters

Homeless Front UK, who featured in Issue 15, are practising what they preach and have launched their Out of the Doorways campaig...

Homelessness Sunday
Richard Burdett September 26 2009

28th January: ‘No Homes - No Justice‘ Churches focus on homeless lives

Homelessness Sunday will be observed by many on 28th January. The annual event marks a day on which churches focus on homeless l...

Simon Community head count
Richard Burdett September 26 2009

November numbers up by a fifth

The Simon Community has found 332 rough sleepers in central London; a rise of 21 per cent on their last count. The count, con...

Trawling for stories
Richard Burdett September 26 2009

It‘s time for the media‘s annual search for homeless veterans

It's the time of year that the media go looking for old soldiers on the street. The predictable annual rush by journalists to...

Thames Reach and Bondway rebrand
Richard Burdett September 26 2009

To avoid confusion, homelessness charity changes its name again

In October 2001, Thames Reach and Bondway merged to become Thames Reach Bondway (TRB). Now, five years later, they've gone back ...

Soup run furore
Richard Burdett September 26 2009

Westminster councillor irritates soup runs by questioning their worth

The perpetual battle between Westminster City Council and soup runs flared up on 23rd August when Councillor Angela Harvey quest...

Surrey Street... again!
Richard Burdett September 26 2009

Aldwych rough sleepers are again being moved on... by orders of "the management"

Two years ago, a large group of rough sleepers were moved on from Surrey Street, south of Aldwych, between The Strand and Fleet ...

Rumour control
Richard Burdett September 26 2009

Charing Cross homeless unit to remain open

We can confirm that the rumours that reached our office, of the closure of the homeless unit at Charing Cross police station, ar...

New threat to soup runs
Richard Burdett September 26 2009

Housing Justice slams the proposed ban on soup runs which comes before Parliament in November

The 10th London Local Authorities Bill, which London Councils will deposit in Parliament on 27th November, proposes banning soup...

Security zone in Westminster
Richard Burdett September 26 2009

Westminster readers are being moved on for "security" reasons, says the borough‘s top cop

After hearing about some readers being moved off their site for security reasons, we investigated by asking questions of Chris A...