Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

February – March 2025 : Time READ ONLINE




Volunteer writer for the Pavement in London

The white stripe
Chris Sampson February 01 2025

Another time-bendingly absurd adventure from the equally absurd mind of Chris Sampson

NB: Trying to make sense of the plot may cause brain damage, so just enjoy the ride...“You may not like it now but you will/The ...

The Lip Service
Chris Sampson December 01 2024

A new story from the Pavement’s resident satirist, starring a freelance accent named ‘The Tone’. By Chris Sampson

“I shited and shited but couldn’t be hard!”“Well,” I thought, “there’s something you don’t hear everyday…”My name is The Tone. I...

Doing time, part III
Chris Sampson October 01 2024

In this final instalment of time-travelling sleuth McHaggis, our imprisoned protagonist continues to argue with his fellow prisoners, each itching to escape. Screenplay by Chris Sampson.

Previously: McHaggis was imprisoned due to new laws enabling the police to arrest anyone who “looks like they’ve slept rough” an...

Doing time, part II
Chris Sampson August 01 2024

Time traveller McHaggis is serving time, arrested under draconian laws. As he plots an escape, he bickers with fellow inmates and struggles with prison guards.
Screenplay by Chris Sampson

Previously: McHaggis was imprisoned due to new laws enabling the police to arrest anyone who “looks like they’ve slept rough” an...

Doing time, part I
Chris Sampson June 01 2024

In his previous misadventure, time-travelling sleuth McHaggis was arrested. Now he finds himself imprisoned with some strange characters, plotting an escape. Screenplay by Chris Sampson

Previously: McHaggis was carted off by the rozzers due to new draconian laws which enable the constabulary to arrest anyone who ...

(Eff off) Back to the Future
Chris Sampson April 01 2024

Everybody’s favourite nepo-time-traveller, McHaggis, goes on a medieval Odd-yssey. By Chris Sampson

Hanging around Time-Travel HQ’s canteen, awaiting another assignment, McHaggis tucked into eggs Benedict, turnip Jeremy and saus...

Nanotech adventures
Chris Sampson February 01 2024

Can some new technology help our reporter solve the seemingly impossible puzzle of time? A riveting blend of ‘Anarcho-nonsense’ and dedicated field reportage, by Chris Sampson

The paper that you’re reading this magazine on is of course made of atoms, arranged in a particular molecular structure. It is a...

Hot Arse FC
Chris Sampson December 01 2023

A time-warping adventure to the past and the future, where Premier League footballers fight for a different kind of survival. From the Pavement’s satirist-in-chief, Chris Sampson

Waiting for another Temporal Assignment adventure, McHaggis meets Snodgrass, a Time Criminal: chucked out of the 1960s for not d...

Codename: McHaggis
Chris Sampson October 01 2023

Operative MQS-X (Malcolm Scots-Little) is the lovechild of Mary Queen of Scots and Malcolm X. He travels through time not so much righting wrongs but making helpful suggestions, under the codename McHaggis. A story by Chris Sampson

Case 1: Stephen C Foster, 1854“I reek of faeces with the shite brown hair,” quoth the poet Stephen C Foster. “Hmm,” McHaggis int...

Lost in music
Chris Sampson August 01 2023

A deep dive into the music soundtracking our writer’s day-to-day. What does it mean and how does it relate to mental health?
By Chris Sampson

In the run-out grooves of the Annihilation of Authority 7” single, there is a message scrawled onto the vinyl by someone at the ...