Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

February – March 2025 : Time READ ONLINE




Bristol pilot scheme expands
John Ashmore June 27 2013

Nightstop hopes to have 10 host households by the end of June.

A pilot project to house rough sleepers in families’ spare rooms is hoping to expand to 10 host households by the end of J...

Liverpool sentence
John Ashmore May 19 2013

Three teenage boys who murdered a rough sleeper for a dare were handed tough jail sentences in April

Three teenage boys who murdered a rough sleeper for a dare were handed tough jail sentences in April. Kevin Bennett, 53, was ki...

StreetLink – the story so far
John Ashmore May 19 2013

One “positive outcome” for every 10 calls from the public to rough sleeper alert scheme

  Almost 5,000 reports have been made to local services since the launch this year of the new StreetLink scheme. The sche...

New basic skills fund for homeless people
John Ashmore May 19 2013

The Homelessness Change Programme aims to improve the lives of disadvantaged young people

The government has launched a new scheme to help improve the lives of disadvantaged young people by teaching them basic skills. ...

Liverpool murder verdict
John Ashmore April 11 2013

Three teenagers found guilty of murdering a rough sleeper behind a supermarket

Three teenage boys have been found guilty of murdering a rough sleeper behind a supermarket in Liverpool. The schoolboys, one n...

Cornish fines
John Ashmore March 20 2013

Woman who takes in homeless and troubled young people failed to license her home as a ‘place of multiple occupation’

  A woman who takes in homeless and troubled young people has been made to pay thousands of pounds for breaking health and...

Is this the future?
John Ashmore December 10 2012

Hey, total stranger, do you have mental health problems?

  A homelessness campaign group in America is taking a high-tech approach to helping people off the streets. The 100,000 ...

Australian city sweeps homelessness under the carpet
John Ashmore November 07 2011

Services provided for three days of major international conference in Perth

  Politicians in the Western Australian city of Perth have been accused of trying to hide the town’s homeless popula...

Rough sleepers mugged
John Ashmore October 06 2011

Were the assailants impersonating the police?

  Two rough sleepers have been mugged while collecting their benefits at a post office in South London. The two men, one ...

US ‘Leatherman’ re-buried
John Ashmore July 07 2011

Nineteenth century rough sleeper now rests in a new home, espite controversy

  Many readers may have come across people on the streets wearing their own stitched-together clothes. However, it seems t...