Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656
Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760
Sarah is a Pavement peer journalist and rapper.
The book No Fixed Abode written by Maeve McClenaghan was reviewed in the last edition of the Pavement magazine. Here Maeve explains what motivated her. Interview by Sarah Hough
Q: Why did you write No Fixed Abode?"It was the winter of 2017 which was a really bad winter going into 2018 and I kept seeing t...
Suddenly writers seem to be noticing individuals who are
homeless. New books reviewed by Sarah Hough
Little Miss Homeless by Harriet Earle-Brown has got to be the most real short story about a woman experiencing homelessness I...
Anne-Sophie Berrayah talks about Reconnect, a service which aims to reconnect excluded people to their communities. Interview by Sarah Hough
Anne-Sophie Berrayah was inspired by an initiative already launched in France which became so successful that it was then replic...
John Gibbons is a
Groundswell case worker
who is testing the homeless
community for Covid-19.
Interview by Sarah Hough.
John Gibbons from the Find & Treat team stresses the importance of maintaining social distancing even if you’re not showing ...
Sarah Hough finds out about
the frustrations a project
worker experiences trying
to move clients through the
hostel system
Anyone who has spent time living in a large hostel will remember those daunting first few nights; getting used to the sounds,...
Melanie Onn, Labour MP for Great Grimsby discusses being homeless with Sarah Hough
In a nutshellMelanie Onn was elected MP for Grimsby in May 2015Aged 17 she was given support by Doorstep, a charity in Grimsby h...
Which comes first: homelessness or the addiction? Report by Sarah Hough
Which comes first: homelessness or the addiction? Report by Sarah Hough For me it was trauma, bereavement, years of insecure hou...
There’s a dispiriting new trend: having a job but still being homeless. This special issue looks at the hard truths of working while homeless. Introduction by Sarah Hough
There’s a dispiriting new trend: having a job but still being homeless. This special issue looks at the hard truths of working...
This rap was written and performed by Sarah Hough while she was part of From The Ground Up (a journalist training program). We published one verse in the Pavement May/June 2019 but here's the whole track. Strong work.
Fat Macy’s is helping people move into catering and out of hostels. Founder Meg Doherty explains how it works to Sarah Hough
London For nearly three years Fat Macy’s has run dining events across London. It’s also helping people move into catering ...
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- Sarah Murray
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- Sheryle Thomas
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