Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

February – March 2025 : Time READ ONLINE


Our Instagram page

July 24 2018
© Mat Amp © Mat Amp
Seeing things differently

Mat Amp is running our new Instagram page @pavement_magazine: “It was being homeless that got me into photography, because it made me look around me for stuff people had discarded or dropped. It’s amazing how many things you can find when you look. In doing this you see things you never noticed before. A friend of mine used to be a burglar and it was the looking for open doors that made him look at the world differently. He’s straight now and addicted to photography instead.”

Smiles Lewis, who took the cover photo for the Pavement May/June issue, says: “For quality of life individuals need a chance to express themselves and communicate this to others too, regardless of training. Photography gives people a level playing field to do this.”


Share your photos

Would you like to add your pix to the Pavement’s new Instagram page, @pavement_magazine? If that’s a yes, please send photos with your name and a caption to Mat

Or put up your own pix on your Instagram page tagged #pavementpix