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Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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August – September 2024 : Being Heard READ ONLINE


Another heroin scare

May 20 2009
Strong smack claims more victims in London and the south-east Police have been warning drug users about an unusually strong batch of heroin, after a series of deaths occurred in and around the capital. Two men were found dead after taking the substance in east London early last November. Just a few weeks later, two more victims were discovered in the Reading area, clutching a syringe. A further four more deaths have occurred in the last month in central London, apparently related to the same batch of the drug. According to the Westminster Drug and Alcohol Action Team, users have confirmed that this strong batch of heroin - off-white and apparently imported from Iran - is still available throughout the city. The causes of these string of deaths is still under investigation, and the police have not yet confirmed whether they are all related to the same batch of heroin. However, the police have been reporting the news through user networks, and have requested that drug-users smoke rather than inject heroin, or use half the normal amount and monitor the effect against normal experience. Although the number of drug-related deaths in the UK is decreasing, it is still very high, with latest figures from the International Centre for Drug Policy claiming that 1,382 people died in 2005.