Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

August – September 2024 : Being Heard READ ONLINE



April 01 2024

Treating somebody with compassion can have a miraculous effect. However, many people experiencing homelessness are so often not afforded compassion, whether by people, authority or a system that callously neglects and punishes them.

But on our pages you'll find instances of compassion in action. For example, Emdad visits Leyton Orient Football Club on one of its community initiatives supporting people experiencing homelessness on page 18. On page 14, Darren Harvey introduces us to a day-centre outreach coordinator on a mission to help guests with their dentistry needs.

Meanwhile, Mat explores what compassion means today and how important it is on page 22. There's also all of the regular news, views and cartoons elsewhere in the magazine.

© the Pavement

In late February another Camden Public Meeting was held at St Michael's Church. The Meeting, organised by Streets Kitchen, is part of a process to coordinate a collaborative effort to combat the crisis of homelessness in the borough.

Writers from the Pavement were in attendance at February's meeting, which took place almost three months on from the previous meeting. Representatives from Camden Council were also present, as well as members of Liberty, the human rights organisation. Liberty alerted the council members to the increase in Community Protection Notices being used in the borough to move people sleeping rough on from where they were settled. This was supported by people at the meeting who had been made to feel “marginalised” by the council's use of dispersal powers.

While Camden Council's representatives insisted the council was “not complacent,” they also conceded the council had so far not set up a meeting with Islington Council to discuss policy and joint action on the increase in people sleeping rough and experiencing homelessness, something members of the council had agreed to work towards at the first public meeting in November. However, the meeting ended on a more positive note, with the council re-emphasising its commitment to cooperate with community members and stakeholders to find solutions. Another meeting was scheduled for late March.