Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

February – March 2025 : Time READ ONLINE





Treating somebody with compassion can have a miraculous effect. However, many people experiencing homelessness are so often not afforded compassion, whether by people, authority or a system that callously neglects and punishes them.

Crisis at Christmas 2023

Details for the Crisis at Christmas day centres for 2023, including location, opening days and what’s on. By Crisis staff, with supporting writing from the Pavement

Hope springs eternal

Whether you’re a dreamer or a realist, hope is a comfort we all indulge in from time to time. And when better to let hope take hold than the spring?

Housing Information - Your Rights
Crisis at Xmas

Crisis cordially invites you to celebrate the holidays at one of its Crisis at Xmas centres. This year there will be four centres in London and one in Edinburgh, read on for more information

Ian Kalman’s podcast

Ian Kalman’s unique brand of wit and charm available on podcast


News in Brief 154: February – March 2025

News in Brief by the Pavement team

News in Brief 152: October - November 2024
News in Brief by the Pavement team
Dispatch from Camden

Notes from a meeting after the shocking viral video of homeless people having their tents and belongings destroyed. Words by the Pavement team

Street Scene

Chris Bird’s Street Scene (centre) pictured on display at Sotheby’s.

Best of Times... Worst of Times...

Paul Atherton (right) and Mike Stokoe pictured in front of their collaborative cartoon at the Cartoon Museum

Photostories 131: Mar-Apr 2021

Photos with a story!


Taking the next step

As ever, the end of one year and start of a new one is a convenient time to reflect on the journey you’ve been on so far, and to think about what you want to do next. Many of us will be unsure about what we want or how to take that next step.

The homeless community

What does community mean to you? Whatever it may be, most of us can agree it’s something we all crave and care for

New beginnings

So far as symbolic, clichéd times of the year go, there’s nothing like the start of a new one to get the mind racing.

Winter and homeless

Winter is often the harshest season, but every person experiencing homelessness has a friend in the Pavement.

Survival stories

Our readers will know what difficulties they’ve faced during the Covid-19 lockdown. Here’s a shout out to some of the people and places who’ve offered help

Reasons to be cheerful

Where do you go when you are suddenly homeless? At writing workshops run by the Pavement we asked young people at New Horizon day centre in King’s Cross and the Pilion Trust in Islington, which runs the Crashpad youth shelter, to share ideas about how to pass time safely until life gets better again.


You've got a friend

Ideas for lockdown life with and without WiFi from the Pavement writers

Tough times
Lawrence Blake is dealing with insecure housing and mental health problems


Ian Kalman obituary

Colleagues of Ian’s at the magazine remember and pay tribute to him

Your voice

Sharing your creativity
Thank you for reading our Health & Wellbeing in a Crisis booklet and then sharing your fantastic words and images created during lockdown. Contributions from Chris Bird, Raymond Reilly, Rosie Roksoph, Chris Sampson, Sheila Wells and Alyson. If you want to see your work published here, please email