Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

February – March 2025 : Time READ ONLINE




A history lesson

What does Jimmy Carter’s death tells us about time and how can homelessness be consigned to the history books? These and other questions answered – or at least pondered – by
André Rostant

Life's sweet

Winter can be tough and the festive period especially so. Reflecting on times past and looking forward to the future, by Greta Gillett

The gift of time

Time can be a precious commodity. Spent well it can have a massive impact on people. Here’s why some time and care will go a long way with the homeless community, by Emdad Rahman

The matter of time

A trip (no pun intended) down memory lane leads our writer to some considered conclusions about time and Class A drugs.
By Mat Amp

Trans and homeless

On the dual stigma suffered by trans people experiencing homelessness. Words by Mx. Adam Khan

Listening, the key to visibility

Our deputy editor discusses the lessons he learned while working on Groundswell’s Listen Up hub project. By Mat Amp