Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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February – March 2025 : Time READ ONLINE


Vote? What for?

May 05 2008
The general election proved that nothing ever changes, says a reader Dear Editor,

I was pleased to find your last edition at my local doctor's surgery. I am pleased that there is another voice for homeless people and rough sleepers as I was a rough sleeper for nearly three years. I am now in a halfway house and if possible I would like to contribute to your magazine with some of my poetry which I have enclosed.

Yours sincerely,

Colin Bowles
London SW12

Dear Colin,

Thank you for your letter of support. I have forwarded your poetry to a more suitable journal, The Real Picture, as we have insufficient space for creative writing. But thanks for your contribution and we hope you continue to enjoy the newspaper.

The Editor

Dear Pavement,

You encourage us to sign up to vote, but what for? The general election proved that nothing ever changes.


Dear Anon,

If you think that's the case, try writing to your MP and setting out some of the changes you want to see.

You may be surprised at how willing politicians are to hear from the public.
