Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

June – July 2024 : Reflections READ ONLINE




Good news cycle

FoodCycle nourish communities with food and conversation. Emdad Rahman visited one of its London services to find out more

Surviving Summer - Groundswell Health Update
Hot weather carries risks. Groundswell staff have some tips on beating the heat this summer.

Treating somebody with compassion can have a miraculous effect. However, many people experiencing homelessness are so often not afforded compassion, whether by people, authority or a system that callously neglects and punishes them.


On how good the simple pleasure of cooking and eating a meal can make us feel. By Greta Gillett

Issue 149: Missing People

Missing People appeal for April – May 2024

All mouth - Groundswell health update

Tips and advice from Groundswell staff on how to look after your mouth health


News in Brief 150: June – July 2024
News in Brief by Sophie Dianne
News in Brief 149: Apr – May 2024

News in Brief by Sophie Dianne

Budget woes

An update on what the Scottish Budget means for the country’s spiralling housing crisis. Spoiler: it’s not good. By Olivia Boyce

International emergency
Why solving homelessness needs to be a priority for politicians across the globe, why it isn't one now – and how it can become one. By Eric Protein Moseley
News in Brief 147: Dec 2023 – Jan 2024

News in Brief by Sophie Dianne

Dispatch from Camden

Notes from a meeting after the shocking viral video of homeless people having their tents and belongings destroyed. Words by the Pavement team


History lesson

A short introduction to a remarkable figure from the past you may not be familiar with. Elizabeth Heyrick’s support for homeless people in the 19th century resonates today. By Jocelyn Robson

PINT talk

An interview with Cee Star, founder of People in Need Today, a charity delivering outreach services to people experiencing homelessness in London. Interview by Sophie Dianne

Reflecting on things

The smallest things can lead us to reflect on our past and remind us of difficult times. It’s important to remember who you are and how far you have come, while also enjoying the little things, writes Greta Gillett

Same old story?

The Scottish National Party’s John Swinney is Scotland’s new First Minister, replacing Humza Yousaf MSP. But his tenure may be more of the same, rather than a breath of fresh air, writes Liv Boyce

Book review

A review of Chris Bird’s recently published collection of poetry and short stories, Transmissions, including an excerpt from the book. Review by Vicki Green

Reason to Smile

An interview with a community hero working to put shiny, white smiles on people experiencing homelessness in Wolverhampton. By Darren Harvey


Moving on from Addiction

Taking inspiration from Portugal, how can people with addiction issues be supported through the experience and, ultimately, move on. By Viki Fox

Ace up the sleeve

A recently toured play by Cardboard Citizens shows the power and importance of storytelling. By Sophie Dianne

A tale of two cities

The similarities and differences in homeless policy in New York and London. With a view to what comes next. By Eric Protein Moseley

Carry on farce

The NHS faces cuts as demand grows. There is some hope, but, alas, found almost exclusively in the mind of the Pavement’s resident daft sod, Chris Sampson

Crack squirrels

In a world constantly vying for our attention, our deputy editor at times felt lost in it all. He talks about distraction, addiction, cracking on in life and, well, crack squirrels. By Mat Amp

The supporting role

As some guy said a while back, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players”. But it can be difficult figuring out your role. Let the Pavement’s satirist-in-chief guide you in your quest for understanding.
By Chris Sampson


Much too young: Kevin & Alex
Kevin and Alex are the reality behind the stats. Someone who sleeps rough has an average age of 47. Life expectancy in the UK is 81.
Florida homeless paper's editor dead
Suicide of Tampa Epoch’s founder leaves paper’s future in doubt
The names
Annual service remembers 146 homeless men and women
Alexander Withers
Wee Alex is badly missed by his friends and colleagues in Glasgow,
Commemorating friends and companions
The annual service of commemoration at St Martin’s was, as usual, touching and heart-breaking

Gerald Denny (Ged). Born: 02/03/55 Died: 08/12/18. Funeral: 17/05/19. Obit from Samir Jeraj (sent in August 2019).

Your voice

Doing time, part I

In his previous misadventure, time-travelling sleuth McHaggis was arrested. Now he finds himself imprisoned with some strange characters, plotting an escape. Screenplay by Chris Sampson

Home is where the hope is

Three poems taking on the themes of home, loneliness and hope. Words by Marsha Glenn, Mohammed Musa and Janet Wilkes

Issue 150: Comics

This issue's comics from our brilliant artists.

Learning from Narcissus

In the age of mindfulness, wellbeing and mental health awareness, the power of reflection and the need for individual reflection needs to be understood and appreciated.
By Leon Eckford

(Eff off) Back to the Future

Everybody’s favourite nepo-time-traveller, McHaggis, goes on a medieval Odd-yssey. By Chris Sampson

Issue 149 : Comics

This issue's comics from our brilliant artists.