Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

February – March 2025 : Time READ ONLINE




Learning a trade at West London Day Centre
The centre has set up a project so homeless people can learn a range of trades that could secure a college place, a job and a career
New art workshop for homeless
Capital A aims to make London galleries more accessible with tours and workshops
Street count figures
September numbers for Westminster


House of St Barnabas - correction and update
The Soho hostel will not be providing accommodation after renovation work begins
Simon Community house in Hackney - the truth
Simon will continue to operate the property as a move-on house for at least the next six months
Ten years of Simon Community street cafe
The Street Cafe is a chance to find a little peace, have a cup of tea and read the paper
St Marylebone: rough sleepers moved on
You may think a church would be the last place to turn away those in need, but this is just what has happened at the parish church of St Marylebone
At your convenience
The humble public lavatory is on the decline in London
Rough sleeper murdered
Stratford man killed just days before he was to move off the street


In terminal decline
Our post-9/11 world means that airports are less welcoming to the homeless


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