Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

November 2014

November 2014 READ ONLINE




Homeless remembrance
In memory of 149 names were read out who died in the past year...


An unacceptable hostel?
MSP demands more support for residents of the Glasgow’s most notorious hostels
Council conspiracy
Southwark housing officers slammed for unlawful eviction, destruction of property and cover-up
Film tells rough sleeping story
Film maker launches Kickstarter campaigner to raise funds
First spikes: now it’s cages

Students “disgusted and ashamed” that Cardiff University has installed cages over air vents to prevent homeless people from keeping warm

Police help stop evictions
New campaign to raise awareness that illegl eviction is a criminal offence
Rough sleeper powers
New law could be used to further criminalise homeless people


Cartoon: hostel life
Joe explains the background to our ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ cartoon, loosely based on the experiences of the WOTS team
In focus: The Indy Ref is over. So what next?
The Word on the Street team interviewed and photographed people on the campaign trail, attended a packed hustings for homeless people at Glasgow's City Mission and listened to heated arguments...
The Homeless World Cup
It can really change lives, find the Word on the Street team
Upfront: Stop sanctions
A leading doctor calls for an end to benefit sanctions


Arts: Theatre review
There's a lot to like in John Binnie's Glesga version of King Lear.
My view: Alex McKay
Alex McKay explains how it feels to finally have a home of his own again.
The Demon Drink
Through a series of images, Patrick O’Hare reflects on 'the Demon Drink'.


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Your voice

Your View: Foodbanks shame
An open lettter to the Trussell Trust